Endings Beginnings and Goodbye 2023

Endings Beginnings and Goodbye 2023Jennifer Hoffman – I am happy to see 2023 end and I know many of you are too. This year has been tough but so have the past 4 years. Since 2020 we have been undergoing vast changes in the fundamental fabric of our reality, the dis-integration of 3D and the integration of 5D. But the truth is we entered this paradigm shift in 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, starting the second global revolution against 3D, the previous one happened in 1762.

If this has changed your life in every way, don’t worry, 2024 is going to bring relief and restitution but this does not involve bringing back what we lost. That is gone forever, especially whatever was firmly rooted in 3D. What we have access to now is the ascended reality, the 5D paradigm, and new levels of awareness, enlightenment, and truth. Continue reading

March 2023 Energy Report

March 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – Buckle up and hang on tight because we are entering a period of intense activity that is a mixed bag of energies, transformation, potentials, and truth. You may want to take some time to rest and regroup this month because there is a lot going on. Or you may want to pick your battles carefully as you get used to managing your energy with greater intention and attention to what you need and want in your life.

March is upon us and that includes heavy duty things like the Equinox, the Ides of March, March 4th (my favorite date), and of course Saturn and Pluto changing signs, and the Alpha Omega portal of March 20. We are already in an Alpha Omega Portal from the February 20 new moon, this just adds more levels of excitement. And March is the actual new year because this starts our solar year so happy new year and let’s talk about the March Energy report. Continue reading

Set Your Spiritual Compass to Thrive in 2023

Set Your Spiritual Compass to Thrive in 2023Open – These are highly challenging times on the planet in society. A great deal of ancient karmic density is being stirred up. It’s so easy to get pulled into the various dramas, which then perpetuates that struggle in your life. It’s important to witness the boulders, yes, BUT – then utterly crucial to focus on the path between them.

The soul is working to unwind through the karmic density and create from a higher vibration. Then the clouds will clear and you’ll shape a new, more harmonious landscape. This is how we can thrive in 2023. Continue reading

Lovingly Free in 2023

Lovingly Free in 2023Harold W. BeckerWe are magnificent beings born into a world filled with adventure and pure potential. We awaken into this reality with a fresh, newborn awareness that provides a blank canvas in which we can create every good thing through our thoughts and feelings. We are self-aware while also being aware of our surroundings.

We are present in the moment and cared for deeply, from the cells that build our bodies to the cosmic stardust that bring our atoms to life here on our precious planet. Everything is working with us for our greatest good.

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Weekly Forecast: December 20 – 24, 2022

12/20 Jupiter Enters Aries (until May 16th)

Weekly Forecast: December 20 – 24, 2022Kelly M Beard – Jupiter in Aries initiates a brand new 12-year cycle for all of us! It’s personal for those with Jupiter in Aries/Libra or Cancer/Capricorn.

Every time Jupiter enters a new Sign, we get an opportunity to expand in that Area of Life (House) so over the last year, Jupiter has been moving back and forth over the Pisces/Aries cusp and is now finally entering Aries once and for all. So all the imagination and dreaming up of the New Truth, Story and Belief System is done. Now we activate that new identity and purpose and begin a new 12-year journey.

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