Liberating The Physical Template Of The New Human

Expect Wonderful | Mary 1/2 2012
Message from Archangel Michael

Greetings Beloveds, I come to you in peace.

I transmit today the Golden Light from the City of LIght where the ascended masters dwell.  Bathing you in the energy of the 5th dimension, the realm of the Archangels and High Energy Beings.   This light feels liquid, and you sense it’s golden color as you attune to the energy coming in through your crown chakra upon orienting to me, and calling forth our connection.  This light will protect you from the denser energies being stirred up on your planet by the approach of Venus and the alignment of the June Solstice.  These are potent alignments which are already being anticipated energetically, for the planets do not move into these alignments suddenly, of course–it is gradual and thus it is felt gradually.

The new day dawns within you, orienting you to ways of being, old and familiar, expansive and evolved.  This light that is you informs your being in ways that you realize more and more and nourishing this energy within you is your primary purpose as Human Beings on the time-line of all times.

Realizing you are alone in this world, you begin to look for ways of connecting.  Realize you are wanting connection you feel lack.  Realizing you are nearly complete within yourself you discover competence.  Realizing you are One with Everything, you come back to self.

The progression of the human being has followed all of these lines through time and at this point you are approaching newness in ways the stretch your imagination to unfold. You must bring your imagination to your lives with a sense of authenticity and truth for that which you are.  The authenticity of that which you are will indicate the way life ought to be.  It will inspire you as to the shape and forms of your relating to others and to all forms of life.  As you express and explore your ways of healing your relationship to yourself and to all forms of life, you reinvent the human templates for civilization and culture and newness is born.

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