Cosmic Acupuncture

Cosmic AcupunctureLorna Bevan – Welcome to 2023 – the unknown unknown. It might be January 1st on the calendar but the New Year really begins on January 21/22 at the Aquarian Super New Moon electrified by Uranus turning direct.

This week, although both Mercury and Mars are retrograde -slowing and delaying action in the outer world – Venus is tangoing with Pluto in the jaws of the Wolf Full Moon as the Sun and Mercury plug into Awakener Uranus and the Node of Fate. It’s going to feel like a session of cosmic acupuncture – as the Uranian high frequency delivers short, sharp shocks of the totally unexpected, complete with flashpoints and breakthroughs. Continue reading

Happy New You in 2022!

The Angels – We love your celebration of the new year because it is a huge reminder that you can start fresh. You can change old habits. You can create new, more supportive routines. You can clean out your closets – physically and emotionally and point yourselves in new directions.

Of course, you can do that at any time, but when you, collectively as a human race, choose to mark the point of a new beginning, you create a beautiful field of energy. You create a field of hope. You create a field of dreams. You create a field of resolve to be happier, healthier, and better than you were before. On this day you, collectively, as a human race, point yourself in newer, kinder, happier directions. Continue reading

Create a Wonderful New Year

As you give thanks for all the blessings, both the triumphs and challenges, of this past year that stretched you into being more of your Divine Self, we thank you for shining your Light so brightly and sharing your Love so generously. From our expanded perspective, we see that your Love and Light radiated out to the far corners of the world and then circled back to you spreading your Love and Light along the way, blessing everyone it touched and uplifting the world. We want you to know that you have made a profound positive difference in this past year, making the way for a New Earth and a new Golden Age of Freedom. ~ The Council of Ascended Masters

new yearSharon Rose – Know that everything you have experienced in 2018 was preparation for all that you can now create in this brand new year from your new expanded perspective of what you now see is possible.

As this New Year begins filled with such glorious promise and unlimited possibilities of joy beyond measure, we invite you to look through the eyes of your True Self, the Presence of God within you, and behold the Kingdom of Heaven waiting to unfold before you.  Know you have come to live as the holy son or daughter of Creator Source with infinite abundance, joy and freedom in every area of your life. As you step forward into this magnificent new year, see yourself living your deepest heartfelt desires and actualizing the greatness that lies within you. For as you envision and feel it already manifested, so shall be. This is universal spiritual law. Continue reading


justiceLionel – Greetings Truth Warrior, Patriot and Sentient Sentry! May 2019 ring in tolerance, understanding and the ability to discuss matters and opinions divergent without ad hominems and vicious personal attacks.

Right. Whom am I kidding?

I know. It’s hard to believe there was a time when I actually lamented the collective intellectual torpor and/or incuriosity that affected us. I mean, nothing warranted a comment or murmur. Nothing roused anger or reaction. It seemed the fluoridation of the water systems was having its effect.

Well, that’s all changed. Daily I’m subjected to mindless political ideations and theories usually drafted by the virulent anti-Trump and clinically deranged. Facebook in particular has been a perfect medium for explicating streams of mindless hate, not to mention a fine platform for self-indulgent narcissism and serial self-aggrandizement. It’s a perfect portal into the mind of the truly pathetic. Ahem. (You know who you are.)

Continue reading

Happy holiday thoughts

new yearThe AngelsHappy Almost New Year to you! Those of you on this list know our belief – that in every breath you begin a new year, a new moment, a new life, a new you! That said, we understand that as human beings you need mileposts and markers – times in your life to pause, reflect, recalibrate, and resurrect the light from within!

Take a few moments before the new year to ponder this question… “In exactly one year from now, what do I want my life to look like?” Who will be in it? How will I feel? What will my body be like? Take time dear ones and really allow yourself to be completely honest with you! If you could wave a magic wand, what would your life be like this time next year? Continue reading