Silencing America as it prepares for war

nuclearJohn Pilger – Returning to the United States in an election year, I am struck by the silence. I have covered four presidential campaigns, starting with 1968; I was with Robert Kennedy when he was shot and I saw his assassin, preparing to kill him. It was a baptism in the American way, along with the salivating violence of the Chicago police at the Democratic Party’s rigged convention. The great counter revolution had begun.

The first to be assassinated that year, Martin Luther King, had dared link the suffering of African-Americans and the people of Vietnam. When Janis Joplin sang, “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”, she spoke perhaps unconsciously for millions of America’s victims in faraway places.

“We lost 58,000 young soldiers in Vietnam, and they died defending your freedom. Now don’t you forget it.” So said a National Parks Service guide as I filmed last week at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. He was addressing a school party of young teenagers in bright orange T-shirts. As if by rote, he inverted the truth about Vietnam into an unchallenged lie.

The millions of Vietnamese who died and were maimed and poisoned and dispossessed by the American invasion have no historical place in young minds, not to mention the estimated 60,000 veterans who took their own lives. A friend of mine, a marine who became a paraplegic in Vietnam, was often asked, “Which side did you fight on?”

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Israel: A Force Of Pure Evil

Stephen Lendman – Israel from inception threatened regional peace and stability. Under Netanyahu and likeminded fascist thugs, it threatens humanity.

nuclearNetanyahu rails irresponsibly about Iran’s well-known peaceful nuclear program. He ignores Israel’s open secret.

The whole world knows it’s nuclear armed and dangerous. Its menacing arsenal includes illegal chemical and biological weapons – freely used in all its wars along with radiological ones.

Iran threatens no one. It values cooperative relations with all nations.

It deplores war. It’s the region’s leading peace and stability proponent. It wants a world free from menacing nuclear weapons.

Israel and America reserve the right to use them preemptively against any nation for any reason – including nuclear weapons-free ones.

They threaten world peace and security. Humanity may not survive their recklessness.

Netanyahu rails like a madman. He’s apoplectic over preliminary framework Iranian nuclear program terms agreed on last week in Lausanne.

He insists any final deal consummated includes terms he demands. Continue reading

Nuclear Energy ~ Profit Driven Industry

Washington’s Blog | Global Research
December 26 2011

“Nuclear Can Be Safe Or It Can Be Cheap … But It Can’t Be Both”

EnergyNuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen was said in a recent interview that nuclear power can be made safe, but not at a competitive price:

[Interviewer] With air transport, it’s incredibly safe. Could nuclear power ever reach that level of safety?

[Gundersen] I have a friend who says that nuclear can be safe or it can be cheap, but it can’t be both.


It boils down to money. If you want to make nuclear safe, it gets to the point where it’s so costly you don’t want to build the power plant anyway … especially now with plummeting renewable costs.

So can you make a nuclear reactor safe? Yes. Can it also at the same time compete with renewables, which are, of course, higher [priced] than natural gas? And the answer is no.

Wall Street is demanding federal loan guarantees for this and of course we already subsidized Price-Anderson insurance. So Wall Street won’t spend the money to build it, and won’t insure it.

Gundersen is right.

As I noted in April:

Apologists for the nuclear power industry pretend there are no better alternatives, so we just have to suck it up and suffer through the Japanese nuclear crisis.

But this is wholly illogical. The truth is that we can store spent fuel rods in dry cask storage, which is much safer than the spent fuel rod pools used in Fukushima and many American reactors.

As the Nation pointed out:

Short of closing plants, there is a fairly reliable solution to the problem of spent fuel rods. It is called “dry cask storage.”


But there is a problem with dry cask storage: it costs money….

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