How Understanding The Truth Movement May Hold Many Answers For Humanity

TruthBernie Suarez – With all the mainstream media mental junk food now feeding humanity almost daily guaranteed lies in order to secure the stated agendas of the new world order, I want to pose a divider question. That’s a name I made up for a question that is sure to divide people. Nevertheless, a question that deserves attention and consideration from all critical thinkers and truth seekers. Today I pose this simple question only because it cuts through much of today’s subjectivism, it tramples on people’s belief systems, religions, opinions, political persuasion and someday it may even determine whether you live or die. It’s a question we should all be able to answer with understanding and conviction because when we do we’ll realize that doing can unlock many answers for humanity. The question is – What exactly is the truth movement?

Yes, on the surface it may seem like a silly or trivial question. But is it really? Sadly and unfortunately many people especially in America are actually trained and thoroughly brainwashed into thinking that the truth movement is nothing but “conspiracy theorists” and all the rest that comes with that engineered mass mind conditioning. If you believe this way I encourage you to forget what you’ve been told and think on your own for once. For those awakened and seeking truth let us spend some time answering this question or attempting to put this concept in perspective.

First off, truth is realized. No one has a patent on truth – not myself, not anyone in the truth movement. Anyone can be wrong about something but the pursuit of truth as a lifestyle that involves first being completely disconnected from the matrix of lies then using all your senses, accepting when you might be wrong, researching things, seeing the bigger picture in light of history, established documents, current day observations, and in light of the technology assisted information sharing. Continue reading