Oracle Report Monday, September 24, 2018

full moonLaura Walker – Today’s energetics show us the shape of things to come.

The Moon will be what is called “Void of Course” (VOC) most of the day. The Moon is VOC when it is transiting the last few degrees of a sign before it enters a new sign.

It is typically best not to push/force the initiation or completion of things because the energetics are weaker for accomplishment.  This is especially true when the Moon is VOC in Pisces, and even more true when the is Moon VOC before making the Full Moon, as it is today.

This does not mean we stop in our tracks or quit progressing with things.  It means we understand that our efforts may not be as efficient or concrete as we might like.  So we need not become frustrated if we feel our week is not off to an energetic start. Continue reading

Oracle Report Saturday, September 22 – Sunday, September 23, 2018

chironLaura Walker – The Sun moves into Libra today (Saturday at 9:54 pm ET) — beginning the lovely and lovey dovey energetics of Libra. It’s a wonderful.

Libra rules harmony, justice, beautiful sights, decisions, and personal/global revolution. among other things.

Many people love this time of year.

This year, as the Sun moves into Libra, it also begins to oppose Chiron.

With this, we also have mighty Uranus conjunct Chiron’s “home spot,” or location in the sky where Chiron was discovered (the Chiron Point). With Uranus, the mantra is “expect the unexpected.”

So this means that this weekend the Sun is highlighting and empowering the forces of Chiron. And anything could happen. There is little predictability here. Continue reading

Oracle Report – New Moon in Virgo 2018

Andrew Foss – Laura Walker asked me to to post this. It was from her Gab. Since we recorded this, it has been under attack. We tried to upload to Real Video and Bitchute. Both crashed multiple times. Laura tried to upload to the Oracle Report YouTube. It was kicked out. All these seemed to be technological glitches. We recut the video 3 times. I finally uploaded it to my youtube, where you can listen in its entirety.

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A holy intersection in Time

timeGillian MacBeth Louthan – This evolutionary month of July offers us an opportunity to see with the eyes of a honeybee looking at 1000 different perspectives and patterns, seeing in-between time and circumstance from a multidimensional view. We are asked to go below the sea level of emotions into the underlying reefs that are labeled fragile and in need of our care. We try so hard not to feel, to block what hurts, we buffer it anyway we can. Eventually it all comes full circle and one comes face to face with that which you ran away from. The she- crab carries her shell hither and fro, shielding herself from life, and yet every 6 hours the tides changes everything.

As the clock strikes midnight on 7/7/ 2018 we come to a holy intersection of time and text. A great stellar pulse comes forth from our sun straight into the heart of all that matter. July starts the first pulse of power as we slowly move step, by step forward into the power days of summer. Many will be sidestepping as many issues as possible, stuffing the emotions with sweetness you are not finding in life. Continue reading

The Key Maker From The Matrix

Stuart Wilde | December 30 2012

The Key Maker Matrix Reloaded

In the Matrix Reloaded film, the Key Maker is one of the sentient programs, that is a rogue to the system. He carves shortcut keys that allows a person to move throughout the entire Matrix, being able to access any and all, of its entities or places. He is summoned by the Oracle, Neo has to find the Key Maker to access a multidimensional door to the Architect, who is also credited as the initial source of the Matrix.

I saw a very strange vision of an old man with long, grey hair, he was in a full length robe, he held an over sized key in front of him, it was about three feet long. Then later, I saw the key to my right, hovering in the room I was in, it was very odd, I did not know what to make of it.  I knew I was waiting for something to happen, but I didn’t know what.

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