Entropy, Chaos and Order Explained

chaosSarah Elkahady – During these times of increasing turbulence here on Earth, there are few concepts more important to understand than the topic of entropy. In this article, I’ll be going over what entropy is, why entropy is important for people going through a spiritual awakening to understand, and at the end I will explain entropy’s metaphysical implications..

Entropy is a term mainly used in thermodynamics to measure how energy is distributed within a system. Because it measures how spread-out energy is, it has become synonymous with measuring the amount of disorder held inside a system, and disorder is a property of chaos. Continue reading

Hermes 3/22/2016

chaosSirian Archangel Hermes – Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as the penumbral lunar eclipse is set to occur, with the energies of the equinox flowing strongly within your spaces of linear time. I come also with messages for the prophets.

Those who have followed my messages will know, it is during these times that a window opens, allowing for my messages to be transmitted through my channel, and then to those whom are aware. All who are able to read or hear my messages do so only of their own will, and are drawn to them by their own alignments and choices.

Those who are unable to see or hear my messages, are not able to simply because they have not yet opened their minds, they have not yet attuned their own inner frequency to interact, to align, to comprehend. A parable of this, to better comprehend, is to think of two lines, each with a wave that repeats, such as the symbol of Aquarius. The lower line does not interact or cross over into the upper line, therefore while both exist within the same symbol, they exist in duality, unaware or the polar opposite of each other.

Such is the same, as above so below, on your world. There exists another realm, hidden to most, because they are unable to see, to feel, to comprehend, and ultimately, to believe that such a thing could exist. The allegory of Platos Cave is another parable to consider.

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Criminal Bankers And The Military Industrial Complex

lawKatherine Frisk – Looks to me like nothing has changed. The pieces on the chess board have moved slightly, ever so, but basically they are still the same. And the same story line is in play.

Let’s put it all into some perspective. 2,000 years ago we had a dogmatic and corrupt priesthood with a High Temple Priest in the form of Caiaphas. We had a ruling class, a monarchy, the Herodian Kings who killed their own wives and children, were sexually promiscuous, married their own sisters and murdered anyone who was opposed to them. And we had the Legion. The Roman military industrial complex of the time.

What do we have today? We have a dogmatic priesthood with a Papacy that has, over the last 1,000 years burned millions at the stake who refused to bow to their authority. An Inquisition that is still in place and has not been deconstructed. A priesthood finally exposed for child sex abuse that has been endemic for centuries, and a Pope named Benedict who basks in luxury retirement. The Vatican Bank has defrauded the planet of trillions. Yet they call themselves a Church and market themselves as “Christians.”

According to many sources this is where the tax revenues of nations finally end up. Tax revenues are not used for the benefit of the people who pay them, but for the benefit of the “Catholic” (meaning universal) institution that has designated itself as the owner of the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls.

All roads lead to Rome

According to one recent commentator, the President of the United States takes instruction from the Vatican and in return is given a billion dollar Vatican account, all untraceable of course. The minions are none the wiser.

The money lenders in the Temple who Yeshua whipped – thus sealing his fate on the cross – continue their criminal usury system, turning the world into debt slaves through the Zionist Bankers, the World Bank and the IMF. According to some Goldman Sachs owns the world. Rothschild is said to be the Vatican’s banker and in the catacombs of this audacious structure are buried gold bars and treasure stolen from nations around the world. Continue reading