How Can We Give And Receive, Even In Hard Economic Times?

How Can We Give And Receive, Even In Hard Economic Times?The Twelve – You have always had hard economic times. And you have always had prosperous economic times… an abundant supply of both. These “times” are no different than any others that you have ever had throughout your life experience. The difference now is that so many of your fellows are convinced that times are bad.

And if you’ll convince yourself that it just ain’t so, then you will begin to experience something completely different than the others are experiencing. And now you have something to give. When you, by changing your personal vibration to one of prosperity, growth, abundance, in spite of all the gloom and doom on the TV and radio, or even in spite of your personal circumstances, when you begin to demonstrate success in even the littlest way, you really have something to crow about. Continue reading

News And Views From The Nefarium – July 30 2015 [Video]

organizationsJoseph Farrell – Russia and China both enact legislation against non-government organizations (NGOs) which have been the principal agents of US soft power and covert operations since the Reagan administration. But there’s more possibilities to the story as Joseph outlines in today’s high octane speculation from the Nefarium


SF Source Joseph Farrell

US National Endowment for Democracy labeled ‘undesirable’ group under new law

Prosecutors have recognized NED’s activities in Russia as undesirable and undermining national security after the US NGO spent millions on attempts to question the legitimacy of Russian elections and tarnish the prestige of military service.

According to the release published on the Prosecutor General Office’s website deputy head of the agency Vladimir Malinovsky on Tuesday signed the decision to recognize as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation all activities of the foreign non-government organization the National Endowment for Democracy. On the same day this decision was forwarded to the Justice Ministry that must now include NED in the list of undesirable foreign organizations.

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Frater X – The Secret War Inside Freemasonry [Audio]

RedIceRadio September 9 2013

Frater X is an author of both speculative fiction and critical research. He is a lecturer of esoteric philosophies, occult sciences and Mystery Traditions and a member of 9 different esoteric orders including the Knights Templar, Knight Masons, Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill, Masonic Rosicrucians and the Ancient Order of Druids. Frater X is considered a prolific analyst and commentator among his Masonic peers. In the first hour, we discuss conflicting ideas within Freemasonry.



He’ll talk about how sub-orders in Freemasonry are trying to change policies within the order and how it taps into a larger secret war on humanity. We’ll get into what Freemasonry is and discuss how it rose in the wake of the crusades.

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10-Point Model For A Mental Health System That Works

NaturalNews | December 19 2012

HealthThe mental health system in America is an embarrassing failure. Here is an outline of principles upon which a new one might be based. Did I miss anything? Add your ideas and constructive criticism in the comments, please.

1. Regulated by the people, not government

Who determined that government was an effective regulator of mental health? It was a triad of sorts, a collusion of pharmaceutical giants, the American Psychiatric Association and the FDA.

The entire process is documented in the history of psychiatry by well-known psychiatric reformer Peter Breggin, MD and other concerned activist organizations.

The point here is, government “regulation” has wreaked havoc on the nation’s mental health, sponsoring the mass drugging of American citizens (including children), psych-ward torture chambers in which innocent people’s brains have been shocked into oblivion, erasing decades of memory on some occasions.

Of course, incarceration in a mental hospital leaves some hapless victims open to kidnapping and Mafioso style medical experiments. No one can advocate for these lost souls and the government has been known to take advantage of that.

People – real, caring people – need to regulate mental health in America; people who want to make a career out of helping others and can use their resources and connections to find a way to do so. This would most likely take place on a small scale, through local organizations. Read more under point #10.

2. Decisions by people, not accountants

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Breaking The Illusion Of Limitation

2012 The Awakening | July 13 2012

Video version available here

As a collective we have been sold a meme so pervasive that most have accepted it as their own idea. We buy into the ideologies set forth to us by the media, the political rhetoric, the education system, the cultural and social influences to such a degree, that we have built a fictional shared consensus. This consensus mandates that personal success is gauged in our ability to climb the economic ladder, to collect more bits of paper called money than our neighbors, so we can buy more goods that we simply do not need. We have been taught that consumption for the sake of consumption is a worthy attribute, because it contributes to the financial growth of the economy. While the truth is you cannot maintain infinite economic growth when it is dependent on the finite resources of our world. Why should we have to pay others to live on the land we were born on?

The meme locks us into servitude through the use of false scarcity. Nature gives freely, but the ruling classes have cast their net of restriction, which severs the natural abundance the world offers as our birth right. They have done this through turning the monetary supply into a privately owned, debt based instrument of control. In today’s society, money is born out of debt, the sum total of which can never be paid back as the debt never gets issued, only the principle. This creates a never ending vacuum that syphons off wealth from the masses to those that own the banks. We have become financial slaves through forced dependence on this system. Although most believe they are free through the unwritten rules that they unknowingly follow.

Through a consistent barrage of propaganda, Mr Average has come to accept that he is the lowest rung on the societal ladder. He never questions those he believes are of higher authority than him. If only he knew that sovereignty comes from the people, not from any institution, regardless of their grandiose claims. You are the highest authority in your life. And so it is up to you to author your own life story.

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