The Secret to Discovering Higher Consciousness

“The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by.” – Tree of Life

consciousnessJafree Ozwald – Whenever something… anything happens to you in life, open your heart to it. Even if you are afraid of it and you have judged it as “wrong”, still go into it fully with a welcome open accepting heart. Otherwise the mind will get in the way and contaminate the lesson your soul is learning.

Your mind is fabulous at judging things, and all judgment ends up creating heavy, defensive, fear-based energy in your body. Your heart is a master at acceptance. It is designed to accept everything and everyone as they are. It can melt through any fearful moment and help you understand that everything that happens to you is for your soul’s evolution towards enlightenment.

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How to Access Your Infinite Sky-Like Self

CloudJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – The way of seeing the vast boundless being you truly are. Of course there are going to be times in your journey through life where your inner weather becomes deep, dark and dismal, like massive thunderstorms which can hang around for weeks.

Don’t take this personally. The soul wants to experience all the dualities of life, and this is just an extreme experience. The blessed news is that no matter which type of clouds are passing through your mind right now; you can find freedom from them by learning how to access your infinite sky-like nature. Continue reading

Being Authentic Is Overcoming Fear

“Become more authentic and you will have a flowering. And the more authentic you become, by and by you will feel many things are falling away – of their own accord. You never made any effort to do it; they just fall of their own accord.” – Osho

Carl JungJafree Ozwald – There is something quite miraculous and magical that happens the very moment we are living our deepest rooted authenticity. A new fresh you begins to sprout as you are pulled to surrender deeper into your very essence and being. The attempt to express oneself authentically means there are no hidden agendas behind how or why you are sharing yourself.

You have nothing to hide, nothing to achieve, nothing to lose, and you know there’s nobody to win anything. You simply cannot and do not want to hold back your most liberated enlightened self any further. You are devoted to revealing the naked essence of who you are. You are devoted to freedom more than you are to security. When all of this happens, look out… you’ll soon discover that all your fears and insecurities are quickly fading away. Continue reading

Giving to Get Versus Giving to Give

“Love is the only thing you get more of by giving it away” ~ T. Wilson

godJafree Ozwald – There are two types of people in this world. Those who are ego driven and those who live beyond their ego. The ego-based person is stuck in a fear based survival thinking pattern created from societal conditioning and previous emotional wounding. This causes them to believe they are separate from the God Source.

The second type of person is a soul based individual who knows they are an infinite being who is deeply loved, cherished, and divinely connected to the most sacred intelligent Source of Life in the Universe.

The biggest distinction between these two groups is the relationship each has with their own mind. The ego-based person has not taken the time to stop their mind-chatter long enough to look inside, relax deeply, trust completely and bathe in the divine essence within. Continue reading

The Third Side Of The Coin

“Experience life in all possible ways — good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.” ~Osho

CoinJafree Ozwald – Life is a cosmic mystery. We are constantly thrown from one experience to the next. One moment we are feeling high, then low, happy then sad, clear then confused. The polarities that we experience create a divine challenge which is meant to make us dig deeper inside for the real answer. The real answers in life are those that transcend all questions and bring you directly home to the heart and soul of your very being. This open minded enlightened approach to life is what I refer to as the discovery of the “third side of the coin”.

We all know that every coin contains two sides, yet most people forget there is a fine edge that holds the “heads and tails” together. Its along this third side that you can walk along that thin line, balanced in the moment totally free from life’s extremes.

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