Which Reality is Coming?

Which Reality is Coming? Daniel Scranton – Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very particular about what we put our attention on, because we know that if we put our attention on something, it will not be long before we are vibrating in harmony with it and then creating more of it in our experience.

All realities are real, and all truths are true. You are all choosing which reality you are experiencing right now, and in so doing, you are choosing which reality you are moving towards next. Continue reading

The Power In the Space In Between

outcomesJennifer Hoffman – If you feel like your life has been ‘on hold’ for a long time, and many of us do, once the energy starts moving, as it is now, it brings a rush of action and activity. We have so much to catch up on and so much lost ground to recover that we set lots of powerful intentions to move the energy and our lives forward. And then we wait in joyful anticipation and as time passes and nothing seems to happen, we lose hope. Here we go again, we think, more delays and more limitations. But we’re in the ‘in between space’, that middle ground between intention and outcome, where can create new pathways and energetically multi-task, holding our intention while we also stay open to different outcomes. It’s a very powerful place to be because all of our power is in the ‘space in between’ and it is what we do in this in between space that keeps the energy flowing.

Patience is where our will meets divine timing and we don’t like to wait, especially if we need something right away. If we don’t see pretty quick results we get perturbed, annoyed, and impatient. But the waiting period is where all of the potential gathers, and so does our energy. And there are two ways to look at the situation, with impatience or with optimism. Impatience leads to second guessing ourselves and the universe, believing we’re doing something wrong, and then we step onto the path of fear that our necessary and desired outcomes won’t happen. Optimism, another choice, keeps us on track and encourages us to keep the energy flowing by maintaining our intention and channeling energy into opening new portals of possibility. We can use our energy to be impatient and block the flow, or we can encourage the flow by staying with our intention and seeing what else is happening. Continue reading

Manage Expectations to Master Outcomes

expectationsJennifer Hoffman – How many times do we set an intention and then get disappointed in the outcome? The problem is partly with our intentions, depending on who we’re making them for, and partly with our expectations, the things we hope will or won’t happen. These create what I call ‘false alignment’ because while we’re outwardly convinced of our intention, our internal alignment is off and we don’t get the results we want. Our expectations are a mirror of our fears and hopes, especially the ones we don’t want to admit to. But if we can keep our intentions personal and manage our expectations, then we can master our alignment and control our outcomes.

There are two kinds of intentions, those we make for ourselves and those we make for others. And while it is possible to set intentions for others, it is not a good idea because we cannot make them happen. We cannot manage other people’s energy or their outcomes, no matter how much we want to or how heart felt our intentions for them are.

There are three kinds of expectations, which represent what we really want or believe is possible. There are the expectations of success, of failure, and of others. The most powerful expectation is the one for success, but it can also be the most disappointing when it doesn’t work out. And the reason it doesn’t work as we hope or intend depends on what we’re expecting. Continue reading

Scanning The Future

futureOwen K Waters – One of the great advantages of regular meditation is that it enhances your sense of intuition. The more you practice meditation, the more you gain insight into every aspect of your life. Insights can relate to present or past events, leading to a greater understanding of your life’s path, or they can relate to future events.

Insights into future events can be challenging in four ways:

1. The future is not fixed. Until you experience it, the future remains as an array of possibilities with a “most likely” scenario based on what holds the greatest energy.

2. Viewing the future can change the outcome. Even a 100% accurate view of the most likely scenario will trigger questions about whether you want that scenario to manifest, and that change can influence the outcome. This can give the illusion of inaccuracy in the original prediction.

3. Inner impressions come into your awareness through your imagination. However, a fertile imagination can create images on its own, almost for pure entertainment. True impressions of a future event arrive while you are in a meditative state, or sometimes while performing a monotonous task such as driving at a constant speed. They don’t fire up with the great energy of a dramatic imagination. They slip in quietly and have to be examined and unraveled to see what each impression contains.

4. When you first start scanning the future, your predictions will be less accurate than they will become later, after constant practice.

Sometimes, lack of self-esteem can be a barrier to the development of your innate abilities. In that case you need to be aware that everyone is everything that Infinite Being is. The universe is holographic by design, meaning that while the many make up the One, the One is also mirrored within each of the many. So, each person, each spark of Infinite Being, contains all of the qualities of Infinite Being.

Lack of self-esteem, therefore, is only a personality trait and not reflective of your true self. Continue reading

Have Patience But Don’t Be Patient

patienceJennifer Hoffman – The idea that everything takes time is accompanied by the belief that you have no control over any manifestation process and that patience is required in all things. It is true that some things take time, as energy must flow through density in the manifestation process. But patience is not a matter of waiting until you receive a result, it is a process of alignment, acceptance, and expansion that is guided by your intention. You  must have patience to allow density to become matter, but the belief that you must ‘be patient’ reduces the power of your intention and your ability to manage the energy flows.

When you have patience you acknowledge that the fulfillment of your intention will take form in the highest possible way. That may require some ‘time’ as the highest outcomes align energetically to manifest for you. But when you say that you are ‘being patient’, you assume a level of powerlessness and lack of control that you use to believe that you are not worthy of receiving that which you have asked for, when you need it. Need does not control energy flow, intention does. Need is based on fear and that is a lower frequency. You can never be in ‘need’, which is an aspect of limitation.

Manifestation is the transformation of energy into matter, the becoming of energy into the form created by and through your intention. This is how you use your creative power and abilities, part of your divine blueprint and life purpose, and it does not depend on time. Rather, it is a matter of energetic and  universal timing and energetic frequency and vibration. You hold the vibration required for the highest possible outcome when you have patience and understand that you are creating a higher potential for yourself with each outcome. You also create a higher frequency when you stay focused on your intention and the purpose or outcome you are intending. Patience is then a matter of holding energy until the outcome appears. Continue reading