These Common Over-The-Counter Drugs Linked To Alzheimer’s And Other Forms Of Dementia

As a young psychiatrist, Ramsey admits that he couldn’t help but question whether or not he was actually helping his patients heal by prescribing antidepressants. This was a large turning point for Ramsey, after which he began focusing on diet as a means to heal our brains.

A new study clearly shows common over-the-counter medications widely used for asthma, allergies, and insomnia increase the risk for dementia. The study also found that the risk may not be reversible, even after several years off of these medications.

The drugs studied are anticholinergic drugs, which block a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, in the central and the peripheral nervous system. These drugs are available over-the-counter and through prescriptions. Many are used on a regular, long-term basis to treat a variety of medical complaints including: Continue reading