Celebrate Who You Truly Are

Jafree Ozwald & Margot ZaherconsciousnessCelebrate the diversity and richness of who you are.  Dive deep into the experience of loving everything about you for no particular reason at all.

You are a unique expression of the Divine.  Just let yourself go wild with celebrating this eternal being that you already are!  You could spontaneously start with dancing, singing, expressing gratitude for just being alive.

Look at all of the creativity inside you, and the many blessings the Universe has given you.  You are a super powerful manifestor and you can manifest anything your heart desires! Continue reading

Theory Proposes Parallel Universes Interact With And Affect Our Own Universe

wisemanUmer Abrar – The theory of parallel universes has been illustrated repeatedly in science fiction, without any actual proof that they really exist. Howard Wiseman of Griffith University in Australia directed a group that believes quantum theory permits for multiple forms of our universe to happen and even interact with one another in the quantum realm.

Michael Hall is the chief author of the paper, issued in the journal Physical Review X. Learning the nuances of quantum theory can get very complicated, as things act different to what would be projected from normal matter.
Quantum states of a structure are supposed to concurrently occur in all imaginable formations until an observer forces it to implement one state.

In the mid of 20th century, the ‘Many Worlds’ theory initially guessed that multiple forms of reality branch out from one another as separate entities surviving in separate positions, lacking any interaction with each other. According to this new theory; all of these endless multiple universes overlap and inhabit the similar section of time and space concurrently, exactly like a quantum state.

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New Quantum Theory Is Out Of This Parallel World

“The beauty of our approach is that if there is just one world our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, while if there is a gigantic number of worlds it reproduces quantum mechanics,” – Dr. Hall

The Director of Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Professor Howard Wiseman
The Director of Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Professor Howard Wiseman

Griffith University academics are challenging the foundations of quantum science with a radical new theory based on interactions between parallel universes.

In a paper published in the prestigious journal Physical Review X, Professor Howard Wiseman and Dr Michael Hall from Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, and Dr Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California, take interacting parallel worlds out of the realm of science fiction and into that of hard science.

The team proposes that parallel universes really exist, and that they interact. That is, rather than evolving independently, nearby worlds influence one another by a subtle force of repulsion. They show that such an interaction could explain everything that is bizarre about quantum mechanics.

Quantum theory is needed to explain how the universe works at the microscopic scale, and is believed to apply to all matter. But it is notoriously difficult to fathom, exhibiting weird phenomena which seem to violate the laws of cause and effect.

As the eminent American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman once noted: “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Continue reading

Multiple Universes, Parallel Realities & Time Hopping

“Whether you believe in multiple universes, realities, realms, or dimensional options … in every equation you will discover one constant red [blood-coding] thread and that is YOU. And it is the discovery of YOU which can make use of this information to further your own accelerated change towards super-intelligence . . .” D Madsen

MultipleEarthsLiving in this day and age where there are so many obvious changes and shifts on the planet through the weather upheavals, occupy movements, continual wars throughout the globe, coupled with the emotional instability of many in the nation, it is also true that many of us are waking up to something greater within ourselves. Perhaps you, too, have had unexplained experiences with the paranormal, time travel, out of body experiences, and the like and wish there was a place to get some answers. Following is a brief story and explanation of what is called a “parallel” reality. It is my hope that this article and others on my site help you understand the strange and mysterious.

West Side Story’s Many Sides

When I was around 12 years old, the movie premiere of the critically acclaimed theatrical production of “West Side Story” with Natalie WoodRichard BeymerRuss Tamblyn, and Rita Moreno, was set to air on one of the local TV stations for the very first time. (This must have been in the mid 60′s as the true USA premiere was in 1961 in New York City.) My parents wanted the whole family to sit and watch the premiere together. They were so excited, telling the five of us how much we will love this movie, how wonderful it is, and ‘we are in for a treat.’ We were planning one of our movie nights, sitting together on the dense wool carpeted floor of our living room with our snacks of chips and cookies. My parents and the household overall kept the momentum throughout the day in preparation for this major event with one exception. Me. Continue reading

The Universe Forms Around Your Vibration

Twelve Insight Journal  October 13 2013


Inner Circle Member: Would the Twelve entertain the idea of parallel universes with us?

You are surrounded by parallel universes as we speak. Each of you is extension of Creator. Source energy is molding itself around the nexus of thought-vibration that you put forth. And because each of you is unique, the universe crystallizes into physical form in a unique way only recognizable to you. You know that difficulty you have trying to get another to see your point of view? That is because truthfully they cannot see your point of view unless they vibrate exactly as you do. And in order to vibrate exactly as you do they would have to be you.

The same is true with the notion of parallel universes that you yourself occupy. We think you mean the idea of a universe occupied by yourself having made a different decision at some time, or occupying a state somehow different than the one you seem to be immersed in now. And the truth is there are many such universes that you presently occupy, but not as you. If you were you, that alternate universe would look exactly like the one you occupy now.

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