Solutions In The Midst Of Adversity

EnergyPatricia Cota-Robles – When we see the many challenging things taking place around the World, it is obvious that this is a very confusing and sometimes frightening time. In many instances it looks and feels like no matter how hard we try things seem to be getting worse. I know that is very disheartening and many people feel hopeless and helpless when confronted with all of the adversity occurring on this planet. But the good news is in spite of outer appearances things are NOT getting worse, quite the contrary.

This phenomenon is happening because there is an unprecedented Awakening taking place within the hearts and minds of Humanity. People everywhere are beginning to remember that they are not just their fragmented and fear-based human ego. They are a beloved Son or Daughter of God who is on Earth during this auspicious time for a reason.

There is a powerful stirring taking place within the Divinity of every person’s heart. This is causing people to remember that they have an important mission to fulfill and that they have come to Earth to accomplish a critical facet of their own, and Humanity’s, unfolding Divine Plan. Some of the people may not yet remember the specifics of their mission on a conscious level, but the prompting in their heart is causing them to go within and to seek answers.

When we go within to seek answers, the floodgates of Heaven open in response to our questions and our heartfelt pleas. Sometimes we do not realize this because we fail to take the time to listen for answers to the questions we are asking. Nevertheless, our prayers are always heard and they are always answered. Every single day, the Awakening taking place at this time is inspiring literally BILLIONS of people to go within and to reach out to God or a Higher Power in one way or another.

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Letting Go Of Old Patterns Of Reaction

patternsMary O’Malley – A friend of mine was gifted a vacation on a river barge through France and Germany. She was really excited because she could never afford to do this on her own. Her itinerary included a flight from Seattle to New York and the next day, she and her cousin would fly to Europe together.

As they were getting ready to go through the international security checkpoint, the TSA officer would not let my friend through because her passport had expired. At that moment, a feeling of panic came over her when she realized she had grabbed the wrong passport. As the panic began to intensify, she tuned into her body and used her breath to calm herself down and think rationally.

Having done awakening work for some time, she realized that reacting to whatever Life is offering only creates suffering. She said, “Mary, I can’t believe it.  If this happened years ago, I would have had a temper tantrum and been in tears all day. Instead, I calmly told my cousin to go on without me and I would have a friend in Seattle overnight my passport so I could take a flight the following day.”

This is the power of accepting whatever Life brings.  She added “I did not react or panic when I realized I would have to pay for a new ticket and stay in New York by myself. It all turned out so differently than what I thought, and it was all okay.”

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The Unconscious Patterns of the Mind

patternsFrank M Wanderer – The society and culture in which you have grown up programmed those fixed patterns of the mind into you, and your identity who you are and what your job is in this world, is based upon those patterns. What need we know about this fixed conditioned mental patterns?

  1. The fixed patterns of your mind are individual, since they reflect the expectations of the particular environment in which you have been brought up. The expectations usually influence you unconsciously, almost like automatic deep programs of the mind. Continue reading

Decoding Our Universe: ‘The Great Math Mystery’ [Video]

21st Century Wire – The closer we look at our holographic universe – the more we see Math. More specifically, its numbers and equations.

The presence of the Fibonacci sequence in nature – it’s the operating system of our world.


Fibonacci sequences

They are everywhere – in patterns of spirals seen in animal, plants, leaves, seeds and even in the expansion of the universe. Ditto with the Pi number sequence – found in various wave forms, and also in the cosmos. – SF Source 21st Century Wire

FibonacciWikipedia – The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Fibonacci. His 1202 book Liber Abaci introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics, although the sequence had been described earlier in Indian mathematics. By modern convention, the sequence begins either with F0 = 0 or with F1 = 1. The Liber Abaci began the sequence with F1 = 1.

Fibonacci numbers are closely related to Lucas numbers in that they are a complementary pair of Lucas sequences. They are intimately connected with the golden ratio; for example, the closest rational approximations to the ratio are 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, … . Applications include computer algorithms such as the Fibonacci search technique and the Fibonacci heap data structure, and graphs called Fibonacci cubes used for interconnecting parallel and distributed systems. They also appear in biological settings, such as branching in trees, phyllotaxis (the arrangement of leaves on a stem), the fruit sprouts of a pineapple, the flowering of an artichoke, an uncurling fern and the arrangement of a pine cone’s bracts. Continue reading

Aim for Awe-Filled, Expect Some Awful

energyJennifer Hoffman – Have you ever wondered what happens when you make a choice, either consciously or unconsciously, to make some changes in your life? Here is how the process works. Finish this sentence:  What I want now as my awe-filled outcome is   __________________. With that sentence you just put out a commandment telling the Universe that you want this amazing, awe-filled outcome for your life.  Then, everything in your life which is not aligned with that outcome will pop up so you can choose whether you want to keep its energy or not. While you expect awesome and amazing results, you seem to get just the opposite and it can be very overwhelming. What happened? The eventual, awe-filled outcome will be what makes you happy, but there may be a few awful moments before that happens, as you clear the path of whatever is currently making you feel awful, unhappy, or unfulfilled in some area of your life.

We often issue invitations to clear energy pathways without an awareness of the bigger picture that is involved. A desire for change has two aspects, clearing the existing energy pathways and setting the energy for the new ones, which involves sifting through and shifting the old energy from the past. That’s why an intention for a new beginning takes us back into the past we thought we already cleared.  We did, sort of, but now that we have a new intention, everything from the past that has a mis-aligned connection to this new intention must be cleared. Continue reading