Your Inner Being As Your Greatest Resource

Your Inner Being As Your Greatest ResourceOwen K Waters – Your inner being – your soul or higher self – is not something that you have. It is what you are.

Your complete consciousness is your inner being. All of the so-called parts of your mind – the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious parts – are all facets of your one, complete consciousness, your inner being.

Your conscious mind is the result of your inner being focusing attention upon the outer world through your physical brain and senses. When, instead, you turn your attention from the outer world towards the inner world, you access the resources of your inner being. Continue reading

Maintain Balance

maintain balanceThe teaching of balance infiltrates all creation.  This becomes obvious when mindfully observing the activities of creation and creatures as they instinctually follow the rhythm of their existence.

The most distinguishing feature of the human being is consciousness, which gives rise to self-awareness and a self-directing will.  As spiritual, mental and physical beings, we reveal the three-fold nature of God residing in perfect repose within the soul.

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Duality And The Triune Force

Duality And The Triune ForceTom Kenyon – You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.

This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness. Continue reading

Be Fully Who You Are

Mikaya Heart – If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I’ve learned so far in life, these are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

We are not physical beings trying to be spiritual, we are already magnificent beings of spirit, choosing to play around with the experience of being in physical form. Experience life fully. Embrace all of life. Allow it to flow through you and manifest however it needs, no matter how unconventional that may appear. Continue reading

Your Connection To Spirit Is Always Right There

Your Connection To Spirit Is Always Right ThereLuitha K Tamaya – You are loved and held safe beyond anything you can imagine.

As you live your life, know that even when everything seems like it’s falling apart, the whole world is in chaos and you can’t make sense of any of it – you are loved, and you are safe. You are with Spirit.

You are a light in the world, a light of infinite joy that can never be put out or hidden. You are a blessing born from the heart of Spirit, and so long as you remember that you can and will find peace in any situation. Continue reading