The Power And Majesty Of The Elements

The Power And Majesty Of The ElementsRonna Herman – Beloved masters, an understanding of the elements of FIRE, AIR, WATER, and EARTH, which are unique components, facets or elements of the nature of our Father/Mother God within this Sub-universal experience, is vitally important as you seek greater wisdom and Self-Mastery.

These are the four major elements which were encoded within the bodily system of the original human form to assist in Self-realization and Self-mastery on the material plane of existence. These elements are supplied to all created matter in this Sub-Universe via the great Archangels’ RAY-diation of the twelve Rays of God Consciousness from the Heart Core Essence of our Father/Mother God. Continue reading

Discover the Power of Aligning Body, Soul, and Mind

The Waterline of LightGillian MacBeth Louthan – You stand at a place where the sand and the waterline meet. You have not yet ventured into the deeper waters of life and light, nor into the ocean of all that is yet to come. You but stand on the seashores of yourself, preparing for invisible storms. You are walking into an ocean of pure possibilities – of virginal energies that have never touched the earth before. They come as an unexpected high tide. Day after day, layer after layer, you and Mother Earth are imbued and embedded with these cleansing energies that are being received by your human body and light.

Coming into oneness is not a journey for those weak of heart or weak of intent. It is a journey for those who are brave. It is a journey for those who can scale the mountains of self, the mountains of emotion, and the mountains of the past. Using them as stepping stones as the heavenly realms proceed upon earth. Continue reading

How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!

How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Have you become a bit over-stimulated and overwhelmed by the complicated fast-paced systems we are all operating within? As you may realize, we are living in very exciting times that can sometimes feel like a bit too much.

The world and its consciousness are changing faster than ever before and sometimes our minds have trouble navigating these changes. You have a choice. You don’t have to let chaotic feelings of overwhelm rule your existence. You can learn how to let go, relax, and remain receptive to what life has to offer you.

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Resolving Negativity: The Nuances Of Mass And Individual Relations

Resolving Negativity: The Nuances Of Mass & Individual RelationsJames Tyberonn –  Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in an vector of Love, Unconditional Love !

We tell you the energy of this Equinox has brought specific astrological conditions that allow for a deep review of whom you are, and where you are going.

It is a time to consider relationships, purpose and mental contents. This is to be considered on an individual level, and also applied to the mass consciousness, group events occurring on your planet. Continue reading

First Impressions Are Intuitive

First Impressions Are IntuitiveOwen Waters – Whenever you step firmly into heart-centered consciousness, your awareness immediately becomes more connected to your inner source of intuition. Through intuition, you become aware of information about people, places and events that springs from the essence of those people, places and events. This information is not delivered through the outside senses, although it may unfold within you at the same time that you receive sensory information.

While visual information relates only to the sense of sight, intuitive information includes much more. It includes all sensory information – sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste – and, in addition to that, the thoughts, feelings and memories that are relevant to the situation. Continue reading