Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone, Research Suggests

pineal glandSayer Ji – The pineal gland has been known as the ‘seat of soul’ for hundreds of years. Could fluoride, a ubiquitous vector of toxicity in the modern world, actually be calcifying this gland and literally turning it to stone?

The Discovery

Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification. Eleven aged cadavares were dissected and their pineal glands assayed:

 “There was a positive correlation between pineal F[luoride] and pineal Ca[lcium] (r = 0.73, p<0.02) but no correlation between pineal F and bone F. By old age, the pineal gland has readily accumulated F and its F/Ca ratio is higher than bone.” Continue reading

The Pineal Gland – Secret Kept From Humanity

pinealBaxter Dmitry – Ancient cultures knew about the Pineal Gland and its importance thousands of years ago.

Today, most people know very little about the Pineal Gland and why ancient cultures believed it was so important. The Illuminati is determined to keep us in the dark about the powerful portal that lies deep within the central part of our brains.

There is only one major conspiracy at play in the world today. The Illuminati – a cabal of interconnected global elites – and their plan to control humanity and usher in a totalitarian New World Order.

Employing a cunning ruse straight out of the devil’s playbook, the Illuminati employ their propaganda organs to convince the world they do not exist, while they continue tightening the noose around humanity’s neck.

Thousands of years ago, cultures like the ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew that the pineal gland was of great importance to humans. But the elite cabal have suppressed this knowledge, determined to convince humanity that they are nothing more than soulless consuming machines, slaves to the disappearing dollars, and of weak flesh.

But the existence of the Pineal Gland, aka the third eye, terrifies the Illuminati.

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The Sacred Secret [w/ Video]

Aloe Vera Gel for Your Face And Skin: Best Product Recommendations, Uses and Benefits

oilDoreen Ann Agostino – According to Santos Bonacci and ancient Hermetic wisdom, our bodies are alchemical instruments. We have the ability to turn lead into gold. There are truths known and hidden that are so sacred and I feel like we should be learning this kind of stuff in school from early age.

We should advance kids even faster! I say this because kids really have it figured out. They know no limits. They have no conditioned limiting beliefs about money or possibilities.

It’s not some type of religion. It is esoteric truth and forbidden knowledge. I rely on my intuition a lot and everything about this information resonates with me on many levels. I encourage readers to keep an open mind and have an awareness of your inner voice as you look over the included blog post video.

Santos puts emphasis on the idea and understanding of “As above, so below.” Which if you don’t know about, you will certainly find out what it’s about if you take the time to check out some of his videos. Most of his recent ones are shockingly eye opening.

Your Body is the Holy Land

According to said source, there is a sacred secret kept from the masses. That secret is the esoteric science of physiological regeneration. Yep, you heard that right- REGENERATION. Apparently, our body has the ability to produce new blood and awaken our dormant brain cells as the ‘final product.’

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How To Clean Up The Pineal Gland

pinealFree Spirit – Cleaning up the Pineal Gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perception. The Pineal gland will naturally make its own DMT when fully operational and we will be able to remain in a visionary state most of the time. An awakened pineal gland brings the ability to consciously astral travel, explore other dimensions, foresee the future and receive communications from loving dimensional beings.

DMT is a component of Ayahuasca – a plant medicine from the Amazon that brings profound physical and heart healing through its purgative effects and the perception of other dimensions. Those that use this medicine go into a period of “work” where issues come into awareness and can be healed with the insights that come from DMT consciousness.

The advantage of cleaning up our pineal gland so it makes its own DMT is that we can be in a continuous state of spiritual “work” and we are spared the purgative effects of drinking the ayahuasca. Thus we no longer need any medicines as an adjunct to our spiritual lives. DMT is a totally natural substance that the human body will manufacture and distribute when it is in a healed state. Thus it would appear human beings were intended to be visionary beings and be able to tap into the information in other dimensions. This dimensional perception transcends the ego and rapidly heals our sufferings, conflicts and thus karmas.

Here are some basics for pineal detox:

1. Mercury – this is really bad for the pineal gland. Its poison. Dont let this get into your body. Mercury tooth fillings are pineal toxins. Have them removed. All medical vaccines are also mercury tainted. Thimersal (a vaccine preservative) is methyl mercury and is very difficult to get out of the brain once its in there. Avoid eating fish and bottom feeders such as shrimps and prawns. Tuna and dolphin meat is particularly bad for mercury – the bigger the fish the higher the concentration of mercury in its body tissue. Continue reading

The Pineal Gland: A Modulator Of Human Consciousness?

Tim Bryant – Often referred to as the third eye, the seat of the soul, or the epicenter of enlightenment; the pineal gland has been something of a mystery when it come to science, yet this small gland in the brain has earned high praised amongst many esoteric/metaphysical schools of thought as being quintessential to spiritual development.

pineal What’s even more fascinating is that the pineal gland is not just an important concept to one or two cultural traditions, but is applauded for extraordinary abilities to raise consciousness among a variety of cultures all over the world.

Not only is the pineal gland a praised tool for spiritual enlightenment, but scientifically it has many special properties that make it quite unique when it comes to the human physiology. Roughly just the size of a pea, the pineal gland not only receives the most blood flow of any organ in the body, minus the kidneys, but it is one of the largest producers in the body of the all important chemical serotonin.

Unfortunately, trying to find hard data on the pineal gland that is reliable is few and far between, given that speculation of its powers are rampant, yet scientific research on the gland is lacking to say the least. Due to the many questions that are still unanswered on the subject, Jay the Explorer and I have decided to put our minds together and dive deeper into just exactly what the pineal gland is, offering both known research and speculation as to what lies deeper beyond the surface.

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