The Journey Begins

placePavithra – We all want fulfilment and joy in our life and yet most of the time it seems so hard to reach that place.

The idea is to have a balanced life so you find fulfillment in everything. This includes the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical areas of our life, where we remove the lack and limitations with conscious effort. By paying attention to all areas of our life, we can learn to see the traps that we have allowed ourselves to be in. Be it self-limiting belief systems, patterns, habits, thoughts, lifestyles, or a life without integrity.

All these factors contribute to create the outer manifestation of our life. How many of us are living life with fear, anxiety, stress, depression and emotional turmoil in one or many parts of our life? This is an outer manifestation of our inner world, a world without balance and peace.
We must participate with our life, not let life or circumstances run it. People who live an unconscious life or a life of ignorance have a hefty price to pay when it comes to living the outer manifestations of their actions and thoughts. They probably don’t even notice that they are paying a price for what they have contributed to or participated with and assume that this is happening to them due to some other reason. Completely unconscious of why they are there in that state. Continue reading