Psychic Protection

Terri Newlon | July 5 2012

Djwal KhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. Today and for this week I want to talk about “Psychic Protection” because there is quite a lot going on and you might have noticed maybe some odd dreams or maybe even just a desire to put your shields up a little more than normal.

I would say pay attention to your instinct. Intuition is being tested to see if you can obey it or how you deal with it. So there’s a lot going on, in other words.

If you like tools and things like that, whatever seems to work for you, I do have a blend created by one of the students that’s at, like the Sonoran desert, Sonoran Light. And there is an oral spray now as well as drops under the tongue called “Multilevel Protection”.

It works physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. So certainly psychically as well. You might find that helpful or a little easier than doing other work.

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Thoughts Become Things

Terri Newlon | June 7 2012

Djwhal KhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. This comes upon the heels of two eclipses close to each other, Neptune going retrograde, Venus transiting the Sun and a lot of other kind of busy activity in the ethers.

So now I want to talk about something that I talk about frequently in a more indirect manner, usually reminding you to choose what you do want and to state positively like “I do want health and “I do want wealth” and “I do want comfort” or “I do want grace and ease.” That sort of thing. Rather than focusing on “I don’t want to be a pain” or “I don’t want to come up short on paying the bills” and you know. Focus on the positive aspect of what you do want.

Now I want to go a little bit deeper into why. The mind is your creative tool and your emotional responses catalyze what the mind is thinking. So if you just let the thoughts run rampant, you usually get a series of disasters or challenges.

So disciplining the mind is very, very important and especially so in this time period. You’re going to have Mercury moving into Cancer and Cancer can have a little bit of a cynical twist so if your thoughts tend to go more toward that direction, or toward a negative or revengeful way of thinking, then you’re going to have some backlash coming back at you.

Remember thoughts become things and all others in Creation are reflections of the Self. So what you think upon another person, you’re also thinking upon yourself and thoughts will become things very quickly in this time period.

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The Winds Of Change

CapricornReadiness is everything and the winds of change are starting to blow. For all the waiting we’ve done, only those who have prepared the ground will be available to the troubled world once the media is infiltrated. Do you have your speeches prepared? Do you know what you are going to say? Do you even know where to begin? How do you feel about public speaking? Are you connected to your community, and do those who know you, trust you? We should at least have some vague idea of where to begin, and what to say in some public arena . It’s great to be awake and aware, but we also need to be prepared. It’s not far off now. Let’s turn a magnifying glass to March, April, and May of 2012. Two I Ching oracles were drawn for guidance for this article. Some of this may be repetitive, but it’s better to be overly prepared than unready.

Mercury is already starting to slow down, as is Pluto; things are now hanging precariously in the balance as we have two fearful planets lurking. But let’s look at Pluto first: in Capricorn, as discussed, the crashing down of false wealth, power, and constructs built on greed, which is already being witnessed – gearing to go backwards; a planet in fear, if we believe in ancient Astrology, which by the way, I do. The wise are resigning while the others continue to battle forwards, headlong into disaster.

This month is very important as Pluto slows down to go retrograde on April 10th. In about two week’s time, it will be barely moving. These problems will intensity, as push comes to shove; it will be do or die. Between the middle of this month, to the time of actual backwards rotation, it will spell the last days of freedom, for some. It cannot be any other way. The empire was just too large, too corrupt, too vast, and too polluted to remain in position. And although it is a new empire crumbling, it isn’t an isolated incident or a unique situation, really; it’s just history repeating itself, only this time we let the demon get really powerful. I think wanting to kill off 90% of humanity and initiating one world order is pretty bad, don’t you think? Let’s just say it might be a little bit worse this time than it’s ever been before. The I Ching draws the 36th Hexagram, Darkening of the Light, six in the sixth place:

Not light but darkness.
First he climbed up to heaven,
Then he plunged into the depths of the earth.

“Here the climax of the darkening is reached. The dark power at first held so high a place that it could wound all who were on the side of good and of the light. But in the end it perishes of its own darkness, for evil must itself fall at the very moment when it has wholly overcome the good, and thus consumed the energy to which it owed its duration.”

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