Back to the Crime Scene

politiciansPaul Rosenberg – Now that the Great Distraction of 2016/2017 (“The Russians hacked the election!” “Fake news!”) may be winding down, we should return to the things that the news media, politicians, and the entire deep state wanted us to forget. In other words, we need to get back to the crime scene and take a good look at it.

The WikiLeaks emails were our peek behind the curtain to see what’s really going on in the overlord class. They stripped away the fake reality of Big Media, Hollywood, and Washington. These emails let us see what is real, not what elites want us to think is real… which is why they’ve worked so hard to distract us.

So, truth sits openly in front of the public. The question is how many people will pick it up and look at it, and how many will scurry off, not wanting to see.

What We Know

There’s too much to cover in one column – there were tens of thousands of leaked emails, after all – but we’ll take a good stab at it. I’ll describe emails and link to their sources, showing actual text in italics.

These people are knowingly cultivating an unaware and compliant populace:

[W]e’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. (source)

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Free Stuff, Monopoly Money, and Free Passes

Thinking Of The RNC & DNC…

politiciansGary Christenson – Politicians get elected by telling voters what they want to hear, especially that voters will receive a pile of “free stuff.” Politicians are (usually) funded by large corporate interests, particularly the financial industry, military contractors, Big “Ag,” and Big “Pharma.” It takes $ billions to buy a Presidential election and large corporate interests expect favorable access and legislation as a result of their huge contributions. It is easy to see.

Conclusion: Politicians tell voters what they want to hear and distribute “free stuff” but they do what they must to repay contributors and solicit even more money to win the next election. But in reality, voters and promises to voters become collateral damage.

What Free Stuff? What Free Passes?

A few examples come to mind: Trillions of dollars to bail out banks and the financial elite, more trillions to the sick-care/health care industry via government supported inflated prices for drugs and services, trillions to the military-industrial-security complex “to keep us safe,” various other individual and corporate welfare programs, the usual corruption and “no-bid” contracts, foreign aid, cell phones, tax loop-holes, QE, subsidized loans, “food stamps,” forgiven loans, massive payoffs, subsidized housing, Presidential pardons, political patronage jobs, student loans, and the list goes on.

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News Channels Are Terror Delivery Systems; Politicians Are Terror Exploitation Specialists

politiciansPaul Rosenberg – Terrorists need news channels and vice-versa. Politicians need terrorists and vice-versa. There’s a symbiosis between these three that works like this:

Terrorists create and feed off of fear.

News channels deliver fear to the masses.

Politicians use fear to get what they want.

Some people may object to these facts being specified, but they’re true just the same.

Private and Public Opportunism

In this symbiosis, we see the rapacious natures of both the public and private sectors. I’ll begin by picking on the private sector.

I believe deeply in free markets, but if the participants don’t bring morality and decency into their markets, plenty of ugliness will remain. Free markets, after all, are ad hoc mechanisms of interaction, and nothing more. A market contains only the morality that its participants carry into it.

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The Game Politicians Play

Sartre – The career political class is the quintessential predatory clique. If you remember and understand any aspect about politics, let it be the nature of the people who devote their lives to a band of thieves. Forget about the seeming dissimilarities in ideology, the political culture maintains a common conduct. Ignore the rhetoric that resembles opposing viewpoints, the club publicof controllers protects each other. And if you ever believed in heroes and are still waiting for a savior, your disappointment will eventually turn into despair. What sustains the process of government is the deception of its vice and the refusal of the public to admit that the game never changes.

The charlatans that are attracted to become players in this adventure of egotism are filled with enough vanity to pay off the federal debt. The sheer idea that a lifetime devoted to national service is a noble pursuit corrupts the body politic and perverts anyone who dreams of change while yearning for public adoration.  Examine the results of the scam that grows out of the mindset that avows – we are from the government and we are here to help you . . .

Politicians who seek elected office are driven by the allure of power. Some may campaign on a platform of helping the people, while most scheme to grow the agencies and scope of the State. Those who have romantic dreams of reform in the beginning will mutate into guardians of the system that feeds the delusion that they make a difference. These fakes deceive themselves that good comes out of their legislation and that society improves with every program. They are frauds because their primary device is deceit. And they are cowards because they do not dare reveal their true motivations. The public would never understand, they have become irreplaceable! Continue reading