New Rhythms of Triality – Tuning Into More Dimensions Simultaneously

newSteve Rother – Greetings Dear Ones.  This day is such a joy for you are entering a new reality. We have explained much of how you live in a multidimensional world, literally only seeing one fragment of who you are and your own experiences on planet Earth in a physical body. We find it fascinating that you have started to discover and uncover the other aspects of yourselves. Start to combine and find the perfection that you came to planet Earth with. As you know, dear ones, planet Earth is a planet of imperfection.

In order for spirit to pretend to be a human it is necessary to divide up that perfection, which is the reason you have multiple dimensions. Now what is taking place is that you are in the process of gathering those parts of yourself that you have distributed to play this game. Now it is changing very rapidly and this is a very interesting situation. All of humanity has been living with your focus tuned into a certain range.

Dear ones, at this very moment there are thousands of radio signals going through this space right in front of the Keeper’s face—thousands and thousands. Does he tap into any of them? Does he feel any of those radio signals going through time and space? No. Not unless he tunes into it. Humans cannot generally tune into a radio signal; you generally need a radio to do that. However, it illustrates very clearly that all these energies are here at one time simultaneously. It works much the same way that all 12 of your dimensions occur simultaneously, yet you only tune into one at a time. That is the process that is beginning to change.

Humanity Grows as a Collective

A while ago, dear ones, all of humanity went through an evolutionary change where you moved out of singularity into duality. This was a major advancement for humans in all areas of life. It was wonderful to watch you ground this energy, bring it in, start to use it and experience the game in duality. This is where you learned to become afraid of the dark and your own shadows, because you saw everything as one or the other. Continue reading

The Infinite Sea Of Endless Possibility

Zen Gardner – I find it fascinating that we’re able to coexist with so many influences swirling about us. It’s a wonderful “whirled” indeed. That we’re only able to consciously tap into this amazing universe with such seemingly limited access is even more intriguing. Many treat life as if it’s a problem to be solved, but in reality it’s a sea of possibilities to be explored and experienced.


What we’re up against today in this clearly engineered world that we liken to an engineered matrix is actually just another opportunity for discovery. While the dangers to our species and all living things including our very home planet are very real and cannot be minimized in this increasingly dystopian world, these too are providing mechanisms to help propel us into vast new realms of awakening.

We’re at an extremely unique point in the timeline of human history with vast resources at our fingertips, not just in technological advances that have brought so much information and networking into play, but even more importantly in the surge of elevated conscious awareness that that has risen dramatically in our collective minds and hearts and is now increasing at an exponential rate.

Amazing Discoveries Old and New

Knowing the real truth about what has driven and formed our societal structure is massively empowering. While at first it can be quite daunting to find out virtually everything we’ve been taught and told by so-called authorities in every field of human endeavor are completely false fabrications with sinister intent, once we see past this illusory veil, amazing new worlds to be discovered and experienced open up to us.

This is why almost everyone who embarks on the road of honest research ultimately becomes very spiritual in their outlook on life. Not only do fears subside and melt out of the conscience, but an innate awareness of other realms and forces at play come into our lives.  A  strong sense of experiential knowing gives rise that there is this wonderful Presence both within and without us that pervades and ultimately prevails over the entire Universe with a magnificent connectivity with all things, both seen and unseen.

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