From Purpose to Potential

potentialJennifer Hoffman – I cringe when I hear the phrase ‘find your purpose’ or when someone asks me to tell them what their life purpose is. I cringe because I know why they are asking that question and that it is causing them a lot of grief. To seek purpose is a burden on us because it implies that we are not doing things right, following the right path, and we’re wasting our time and energy.

We are working as hard as we can and not getting any results or joy. There is no purpose other than whatever we are doing right now and it’s much more fulfilling and potential focused to think about our mission, rather than our purpose. Continue reading

Fear – The Resonance Point for New Potentials

fearJennifer Hoffman –  This week’s message is an Archangel Uriel channel, enjoy!

This is an exciting time for humanity and the ascension path as the collective energies are shifting from the 3D fear based paradigm to an expansion into 5D awareness. Fear is the catalyst for this transition as the ascension path becomes a potential for the collective now. You can celebrate this victory, it has been a long journey for you. But you must also keep the forward momentum and continue the expansion as you also open to integrating more of the 5D energy for yourselves. Celebrate your victory as you continue your own ascension path of integration and expansion into new joyful, joy-filled potentials. Continue reading

Floating-Free – Energy And Life

timeDana Mrkich – There is a big free-floating feeling in the air these days. The more our consciousness becomes centred in our hearts as opposed to our minds, the more an ‘unplugging’ of sorts takes place. It is an unplugging of our former paradigm, including an unplugging of old beliefs that held our reality and identity together. More and more our awareness and focus is being brought into NOW, and so you may be finding it really difficult, detached even, to think about the past or future in the same way you used to. Recalling memories might feel strange, and planning for the future might feel like you are grasping at clouds that keep changing every moment.

This consciousness shift – from the mind to the heart – is a naturally occurring process at this point in our evolution. It is a process we can either go along with without even realising, actively participate in and open to, resist, fear, avoid or actively push against.

The unplugging process is ultimately a positive, empowering and liberating one but it can feel very ungrounding because we are so used to being centred in a much denser reality. Our new reality is much more fluid, and while there is a huge amount of freedom in that, it can also feel very disconcerting to not be entirely sure of who you are anymore, where you are headed, or what you are wanting. It can also bring up feelings of apathy or depression as there’s this sense of not really wanting to do anything, or feeling like what’s the point of it all?

Those feelings tend to come up when a lot is being unplugged at once (within your energy field, including physical reality), and we can feel like we are in limbo or in the void of the unknown. Yet what this is doing is creating space for our new to come online, to be activated, to enter us, to be embodied, to awaken. And when the space is fully clear, and the old has been released, that’s when we get these surges of energy and inspiration, sudden flashes of thought and feelings of ‘ooh I wouldn’t mind doing xyz’ or ‘hmmm I’m really feeling to now eat this way, or I’m really wanting to spend more time doing abc, or I really have to stop doing such and such, it’s beyond time.’ Continue reading

Andrew Martin ~ 5 Steps To Unifying & Changing Our World

“The unity that exists throughout all things is the constant that connects all.” – A Martin


1. Unleashing Creativity

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” -Herman Hesse

Much of our lives have been influenced by various people, society, governments and the media. Before we can move to a state of oneness we must come to terms with these conditioned states. By looking deep within and in quiet reflection we can identify our attachments, distractions and clinging states. Once identified, we must come to the realisation that all these states, thoughts and feelings are a construct of our mind. By seeing ourselves as self-reliant and empowered beings we can unleash our creative capacity to make positive change.

The way we choose to process information and how we perceive ourselves is our reality. We can choose to let go and forgive or we can choose to hold onto resentment, anger and frustration. We can choose to hold onto old assumptions or we can move toward a new reality of sustainability. In the end we are the ones who choose. We must live with the consequences. By developing meditative practices we can delve deeper into our consciousness mind and begin to uncover the truth that exists, allowing us to awaken. It is time to let go so we can move forward in a sustainable manner, otherwise we will be holding on, holding onto out dated and counter productive ideologies.

2. Choosing Pure Potential Over Conditioning

“He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.” -Buddha

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Community And The “I” Gene


The “I” Gene

Iam Saums – As human beings, we inherit a trait we accept as a belief that is conditioned into us during our social development. Inevitably, it becomes our common reality. It is a system fashioned on the principles of compliance, reliance and oblivion. For the sake of distinction, let’s call this trait the “I” Gene. The “I” Gene is an internal “schism,” (division). It is a separation not only from our external surroundings and the people in our lives; it is a severance from our self.

Before we have the opportunity to be introduced to ourselves, we are bombarded by society’s imposition of who we are expected to be. This collective obligation goes greatly unchallenged and is globally obeyed by humanity. As a species, we have maintained this solitary lifestyle for thousands of years. The “I” Gene has repressed our relatedness with our family members, our friends, our communities and ourselves. It has inhibited our consciousness, relatedness and fulfillment. Continue reading