How To Generate Energy From Within

energyMeashenu – I saw someone online ask a question similar to “How can I generate energy within, without connecting to the sun and earth or anything else like that?”

So, how can you generate energy from within yourself, without channeling it or pulling it from other sources? I’ll share some methods below.


Prana/Chi and life force energy can all mean the same thing. It’s about pulling in the energy that is all around us and there at all times. You do this automatically by breathing.

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Gadgets That Are Unexpectedly Relaxing To Use


The stress that this modern world brings makes even the most Zen among us wants to escape somewhere else. As traffic snarls never fail to accompany one’s daily commute along with the pressure of keeping up with this fast paced world, we couldn’t help but admire those people who are able to keep their sanity.

Although there are many non-tech ways to find relaxation, no amount of Yoga could ever relieve one from too much stress. This is why one must find ways to avoid stress in the first place. One way to do this is to use gadgets that help one to relax. The people behind Coola Prylar believe that there are many gadgets out there that could help one find his much needed relaxation. Some gadgets are obviously designed to promote relaxation. There are also gadgets that are unexpectedly relaxing to use. Some of these are the following: Continue reading

How To Recognize And Protect Yourself From A Psychic Energy Vampire [Video]

Energy vampirism is a parasitic relationship in which one person feeds off of the life force (also known as prana) of another person. These people who drain other’s energy are referred to as psychic vampires. But despite this definition, it is impossible to take energy from someone else. So why does it feel possible?


In this episode Teal explains how to recognize a psychic vampire, how to prevent yourself from losing energy as the result of one and urges us to recognize the patterns of vampirism within ourselves. Psychic vampires do not feel as if this universe is infinite. They do not feel that it is possible to get the love that they desire. They do not trust themselves to fulfill their own needs. And as a result, they believe that the only way to get what they need is to take it from others. Believe it or not, the remedy for victim and vampire is the same! Continue reading