Emerging From Denial

As the veil of denial is whisked away, all that has been formerly hidden will become more and more transparent. – B. Marciniak

consciousnessBarbara Marciniak – Now, in direct opposition to the ever-increasing attempts to confound the public, the incoming cosmic energies serve to balance the situation by opening the flood gates of human awareness, deliberately stimulating you to pay closer attention to a new source of information stemming from deep inside.

As this all-powerful inner-knowledge genie emerges, newly realized psychic and intuitive abilities will help you to achieve levels of personal empowerment that will assist you in dealing with the spiritual dynamics of the transformation. Continue reading

How To Raise An Intuitive & Spiritually Gifted Child

kidsPatricia Smith – Kids are seeds who are grounded deep into the roots of spirit, each having an opportunity to offer his or her spiritual fruit throughout a lifetime.

The potential for bringing in new ideas and new vibrations to the planet for the benefit of all beings is infinite.

But kids, like all humans, are easily socialized and conditioned to the environment around them.

From day one they slowly start shifting their focus from the spiritual to the physical, and many kids maybe most grow up to be complacent within the material realm, with the world of spirit left somewhere far off in a dream. Continue reading

Psychic Boundaries

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. I want to work with psychic boundaries on this call. We’re having quite a bit of energy stimulating the Third Eye center amongst other things but specifically telepathic powers, the melding of energy fields and the sharing of thought forms.

So if you’re irritated about something, for example, other people are going to be hearing your mind chatter and vice versa. What I would suggest that you do is, as quickly as possible, discharge the energy. Then be a channel of Divine Love.

So if something is upsetting you, do your best not to let the mind loop it but rather maybe just take a deep breath and send it down to the ground or up to the sky. Discharge it from the body so that energy isn’t there.

You can also use any other healing techniques that you like, like tapping, and Sedona Method. There are so many that might work for you. And then I would say that commitment to channel Divine Love is also a way of softening everything. Continue reading

Energy Vampires

Zen-Haven June 30 2013

AggressionSome people, by their very presence, seem to drain the energy of those unprotected people around them. They will often associate with a victim who exhibits the classic signs of this drain.

General debility, lack of motivation and energy, an emaciated physique, a pallid complexion, and an overall sense of weakness are typically noted. These victims also tended to be highly suggestible people. The dominant partner (energy vampire) always resists a successful treatment, or protection, applied to their victim.

Most of these energy vampires are well-meaning, normal people. They are an unhappy lot, and do their damage by a telepathic draining of their victim’s energy resources. Mere separation of two people results in immediate positive changes in the victim. In my Los Angeles office I train all such victims in the art of spiritual protection techniques to eliminate any recurrences of this syndrome. Try the psychic protection negativity experience on the hypnotic exercise link for your own protection.

I prefer to use the term “psychic parasitism” for cases where this energy drain is involuntary and subconscious. If this effect is the result of a premeditated psychic attack, I refer to the perpetrator as an energy vampire.

You will observe this process at work in any public gathering,. The more people present, the easier it will be to observe. This could be a family gathering, a lecture, or an encounter at your local movie theater. When I conduct seminars and workshops, it is more than obvious. I discuss this concept and immediately see certain heads bobbing up and down. Even more interesting is the response of their partner. These individuals give more me some of the nastiest looks I have ever seen. Fear not, I am fully protected and am not susceptible to their parasitism/vampirism.

Psychic Defense Strategies Against Energy Vampires

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