The Plague of Megalomania And Untrustworthy Behavior Patterns

bioLisa Renee – I would like to expand on untrustworthy behaviors modeled in people with weak moral character, to better comprehend the relationship between low moral character and the Negative Ego, through its main filters; Egotism, Narcissism and Psychopathy.

The purpose of promoting egotism and narcissism as a positive traits in society is intended to maintain low moral character and unethical standards as acceptable characteristic behavior in human beings and the social structures we have been made dependent.

When low moral character or deviant type of behaviors that produce harm are fully accepted and normalized in society and then consistently reinforced by the people around us, we are being conditioned to a specific value system and a range of frequency.

Humans are desensitized to what is being unconsciously shaped as an anti-human value system that we are constantly mind controlled to accept and this conditioning acts as the ego filter in how we perceive the world around us. Unconsciously, we may promote these anti-human values to people around us, which become a self-enforced enslaving reality that spreads like a viral infection.

This is the Archontic Deception (AD) Strategy to generate weak moral character through the promotion and glorification of narcissistic and psychopathic behavior which are mindsets that are easily used to enforce consciousness enslavement through the consistent reinforcement of externalized tyrannical and violent behaviors.

Narcissistic and psychopathic minds can be easily possessed by dark forces, and hence why they are intentionally manufactured in the people on the earth. When we are informed to be able to see this psychological warfare strategy working in the mass consciousness and controller structures, we can stop feeding into its violence and psychopathy, and thus, we can change its course of direction from negative to positive.

Egotism – The First Stages

The conceit of egotism describes a person who acts to gain value for self-serving motivation and taking in an excessive amount of resources than that which he or she gives back to others. Usually these are actions of taking in others energy, time and resources and is accompanied with very low ethical standards and displaying low moral character traits.

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The Psychopathy of Greed

greedZen Gardner – I always find it interesting that people blame corporate greed for our overall condition. Sure it’s a major factor at one level, but it’s just an obvious outcropping of something much, much deeper. Sadly not that many are willing to go there.

That the entire world system is built on a capitalist system in one form or another is mind boggling. Defying our innate conscious awareness to the contrary, the signal has been given and repeatedly endorsed as well as crassly promoted that we need to gain off of each other, in each and every transaction, every exchange, in a no holds barred, dog eat dog environment.

One look at the marketing world and you get the picture. And the supposed “fittest” come out on top.

This is how and why the populace acquiesces to domination by the few. “They’re just good at what they do. They’re smarter and more motivated than the rest of us so surely they deserve to be winners in the game.”

Humanity’s being told how the game works and that this is your only option. “It’s just the way it is, so get to work and earn your salary, then invest in the game and try to get ahead and make a name and lots of money for yourself.” At which point the sharks devour the unsuspecting guppy.

Group absolved endemic greed doesn’t make it right, however justified, by any stretch of the imagination.

The Corporate “Growth” Model

It’s fully accepted that corporations need to grow. For their good, for our good, or so we’re told. It’s a fear based econo-survivalist psychological scam. Who says they need to constantly make more, for their investors’ interests or otherwise? Yet this is considered healthy in a capitalistic system, under the guise of increased jobs and benefits and a prosperous economy. Continue reading

Kalika War Party: Reemergence Of The Warrior Class [Audio]

“John Lash has been a regular guest on Red Ice Radio since 2008, sharing the discoveries of his collective studies in the fields of directive and sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, the World Ages, belief systems, and his radical revision of Gnosticism” – H Palmgren


He has delved deeply into the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia and introduced the term Archon to the discourse of humanity. Mr. Lash returns to the program to announce the formation of the Kalika War Party, a band of self-selected men and women volunteers whose goal is “to strike offensively against all variations of the evil and corrupt system that works against life, truth, freedom, beauty, sanity, and the spirit of mutual aid.” Continue reading

Psychopath vs. Empath: The War Between Truth And Deception

“The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation.” –Baruch Spinoza

psychopathAre you fighting for your servitude as if for your salvation? Then you have been well-deceived. You have been sheeple-compromised. Your thoughts are not your own. Your actions are not your own. You are in all ways a conditioned puppet who is under the delusion that it is free, and the psychopaths of the world are your uncompromising puppet masters. The questions you need to be asking yourself are these: “Am I willing to do what it takes to become free? Am I ready for the uncomfortableness of undeceiving myself? Would I rather be slapped by the truth or kissed with a lie? Am I willing to sacrifice my comfortable lie for the uncomfortable truth? Am I strong enough to fall from the “grace” of my delusion onto the hard and unforgiving ground of truth? And most of all: do I have the courage to disobey?”

In order to answer these questions effectively, indeed in order to come up with better questions, we must be able to transform our would-be psychopathology into a courageous in-the-now empathology.

Cancer begins with a group of cells that fail to communicate with the conscious signal of the host. These cells become competitive instead of cooperative. When competition become primary and cooperation secondary, then we know we have failed as a species. Collectively, among every human, vanity leads to segregation and competition, competition leads to fear and greed, greed leads to deceit and immorality and deceit and immorality is the breeding ground for illness waging war on each other and our earth. Every act of hatred and self-destructiveness in our world begins with self-hate and self-destructiveness. And it all begins with a breakdown in communication. Continue reading

Lunatics Run The Washington Asylum

“Lunatics running things in Washington think this way. Obama for sure. Waging war on humanity from day one in office. Serving monied interests exclusively. Spurning popular ones. Institutionalizing police state practices beyond what George Bush established.” – S Lendman

steveLendmanNever in world history has one nation threatened humanity’s survival like America. Wars without end rage.

Against invented enemies. New ones follow with disturbing regularity. Peace is pure fantasy.

Obama wants congressional authorization for unconstrained war. Ignoring international law. Claiming it’s to fight IS. One of his many Big Lies.

A companion article suggests Pentagon officials now direct Kiev’s war on Donbas. Besides supplying its military with heavy weapons and munitions covertly.

So-called joint US/Ukrainian training operations may be prelude to direct American intervention.

With Pentagon forces on the front lines. Waging war close to Russia’s border. One major false flag away from potential US/Russian conflict.

Scores more US special forces are heading to train so-called anti-Assad moderate rebels. Elements aiming to topple governments by brute force aren’t moderates.

IS and other Takfiri extremists comprise Obama’s proxy anti-Syrian army. CIA operatives and US special forces train them in the fine art of killing. Including lopping off heads.

US special forces operate in up to 150 countries worldwide. Not as good will ambassadors. Nor CIA elements.

Operating everywhere out of US embassies and consulates, as well as through front organizations. Continue reading