The power of truth

public opinionAnd ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” – Christos

“We all complain of the senseless order of life, which is at variance with our being, and yet we refuse to use the unique and powerful weapon within our hands —the consciousness of Truth and its expression; but on the contrary, under the pretext of struggling with evil, we destroy the weapon, and sacrifice it to the exigencies of an imaginary conflict.” – Leo Tolstoy

The anti-globalist movement currently underway throughout the world reflects a bottom-up manifestation of growing societal discontent with globalist policies such as debt enslavement, undeclared wars by proxy, oppressive and racially disparaging drug laws, national destabilization and cultural genocide, mass surveillance, loss of due process under the law, and, most importantly, the suppression of free thought and its expression.

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Demonizing Dissent and Public Opinion

opinionPaul A. Philips – As the Western world powers that be tighten their tyrannical controlling noose on humanity, dissension and public opinion has never been so important: As consistent with the quote from Orwell‘s novel 1984, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

To countermeasure this much-needed dissent and public opinion to raise awareness and free humanity, the powers that be have taken a severe stance on punishing those who have opposing views regardless of truth or untruth to advance an oppressive agenda.

So, in response, during these times of universal deceit and oppression, here are 7 examples of unjustly demonizing dissent and public opinion.

1. Medical Dissension and the AMA’s Gag Orders

To get an even larger slice of the medical monopoly the highly influential AMA (American Medical Association), a wing of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment, has announced plans to put in gag orders designed to control and prevent doctors from speaking out publicly on ‘dubious alternative medical practices.’  Should doctors go outside of the AMA’s guidelines, they could face having their licenses revoked while being unjustly accused of quackery…

This unfairly biased stance will even further hit holistic doctors offering help and advice on track-record proven effective alternative medical practices. Continue reading

Deconstructing Edward Bernays’ ‘Propaganda’ (Part 8)

“The political leader of to-day should be a leader as finely versed in the technique of propaganda as in political economy and civics. If he remains merely the reflection of the average intelligence of his community, he might as well go out of politics.” ~E Bernays

EdwardBernaysGuy Evans finishes breaking down Chapter 6 (‘Propaganda and Political Leadership’) of Edward Bernays’ seminal text ‘Propaganda’. In a mammoth 93 minute edition of the show, find out how Bernays predicted that the politicians of the future would originate from the same social circles; discover how the techniques developed in his era to pique public interest in prominent personalities are still utilized today; and enjoy a special guest interview from Vasko Atanasoski of the Macedonian band ‘Bernays Propaganda’!

Click here to download this podcast.

Chapter 6 Transcript – “Propaganda And Political Leadership III”

THE great political problem in our modern democracy is how to induce our leaders to lead. The dogma that the voice of the people is the voice of God tends to make elected persons the will-less servants of their constituents. This is undoubtedly part cause of the political sterility of which certain American critics constantly complain.

No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and cliches and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders.

Fortunately, the sincere and gifted politician is able, by the instrument of propaganda, to mold and form the will of the people.

Disraeli cynically expressed the dilemma, when he said: “I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?” He might have added: “I must lead the people. Am I not their servant?”

Unfortunately, the methods of our contemporary politicians, in dealing with the public, are as archaic and ineffective as the advertising methods of business in 1900 would be to-day. While politics was the first important department of American life to use propaganda on a large scale, it has been the slowest in modifying its propaganda methods to meet the changed conditions of the public mind. American business first learned from politics the methods of appealing to the broad public. But it continually improved those methods in the course of its competitive struggle, while politics clung to the old formulas. Continue reading

Deconstructing Edward Bernays’ ‘Propaganda’ (Part 7)

“It is obvious that politics would gain much in prestige if the money-raising campaign were conducted candidly and publicly, like the campaigns for the war funds. Charity drives might be made excellent models for political funds drives. The elimination of the little black bag element in politics would raise the entire prestige of politics in America, and the public interest would be infinitely greater if the actual participation occurred earlier and more constructively in the campaign.” ~E Bernays

EdwardBernaysWhat does it mean to be a leader? According to Edward Bernays, the ‘Father of Public Relations’, a leader is most effective when acting as a dictator. In this episode of the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast, Guy Evans begins to break down Chapter 6 of Bernays’ magnum opus ‘Propaganda’ – revealing the author’s distorted view of leadership, and his widely shared belief that the public’s apathy results in their own oppression. A great episode as ever so download, share with your friends, and peace!

Click here to download this podcast.

Chapter 6 Transcript – “Propaganda And Political Leadership”

The great political problem in our modern democracy is how to induce our leaders to lead. The dogma that the voice of the people is the voice of God tends to make elected persons the will-less servants of their constituents. This is undoubtedly part cause of the political sterility of which certain American critics constantly complain.

No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and cliches and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders. Continue reading

Deconstructing Edward Bernays’ ‘Propaganda’ (Part 5)

“If you turn on a television set, you see in one minute that the goal of advertising is to create uninformed consumers making irrational choices.” ~Noam Chomsky

EdwardBernaysGuy Evans examines Chapter 5 of Edward Bernays’ ‘Propaganda’. Chapter 5 features several recurring topics; notably, aspirational culture, the manufacture of new customers, and controlling the public mind.

Guy looks at each of these key themes, and with the help of Mad Men‘s Don Draper investigates the strength of the emotional connection between ourselves and the products that we buy.

Click here to download this podcast.

Chapter 5 Transcript – “Business And The Public”

THE relationship between business and the public has become closer in the past few decades. Business to-day is taking the public into partnership. A number of causes, some economic, others due to the growing public understanding of business and the public interest in business, have produced this situation. Business realizes that its relationship to the public is not confined to the manufacture and sale of a given product, but includes at the same time the selling of itself and of all those things for which it stands in the public mind.

Twenty or twenty-five years ago, business sought to run its own affairs regardless of the public. The reaction was the muck-raking period, in which a multitude of sins were, justly and unjustly, laid to the charge of the interests. In the face of an aroused public conscience the large corporations were obliged to renounce their contention that their affairs were nobody’s business. If to-day big business were to seek to throttle the public, a new reaction similar to that of twenty years ago would take place and the public would rise and try to throttle big business with restrictive laws. Business is conscious of the public’s conscience. This consciousness has led to a healthy cooperation. Continue reading