Modern Miracles and The Quantum Hologram

QuantumDr. Rudy Schild – Lives of people are often affected by remarkable occurrences that cannot be explained by the precepts of modern science. There is a general sense that most of these phenomena occur within the brain, but seem to be otherwise un-explainable. The most common examples that I cite are:

• Near-Death experiences
• Past lives
• Telepathy
• Remote viewing
• Precognition
• Crop circles
• Astrology
• Orbs, balls of light
• Ghosts, fairies
• Deja-vu
• UFO sightings
• Abductions
• Levitation

The response of our establishment, and particularly the University community has been basically “divide and conquer.” They are easily identified as simple mind phenomena, and dismissed as something that you read about in National Enquirer. “It’s just those NDE people again.” “He sees ghosts, Ha, Ha, Ha.” “Telepathy is just some simple empathy effect of the mind.” What is presently lacking is some overall understanding of what property of the mind, or of the Universe enables these phenomena.

But these phenomena are often quite real to the perceiver, who often feels let down by our scholarly research community.

The Underlying Explanation

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