Wealth Gap: 10% Of Americans Own 91% . . .

. . . But The Queen And Rothschilds Still Own Almost Everything

“Are you fighting for your servitude as if for your salvation? Then you have been well-deceived. You have been sheeple-compromised. Your thoughts are not your own. Your actions are not your own. You are in all ways a conditioned puppet who is under the delusion that it is free, and the psychopaths of the world are your uncompromising puppet masters.” ~ Gary ‘Z’ McGee

Every few months for the last couple of years, a new story pops up declaring the “official” wealth gap — the one most public sources will admit to — is getting wider and wider at a faster and faster rate.

This is the real economic crisis.

The wealth gap in America, for example, is insane these days.

Check out this fresh report from Nation of Change (an ironic name considering the topic):

Just 10 percent of Americans own 91 percent of the nation’s stocks and mutual funds, according to economist Edward Wolff (Table 7). Most of the remainder is held by a “middle class” that is steadily losing ground. The bottom 60 percent is almost entirely shut out (Table 2).

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