Listen For Your Own Deep Questions

InspireMeToday  October 9 2013

Listen for your own deep questions and follow them. Let them guide you the way a compass guides a lost traveler, marking true north when there are no maps… or when the maps you have no longer show the way to where you want to go.

Listening like this is soul level listening. You have to be willing, or longing, or desperate enough to turn away from other people’s answers. You have to turn toward your unknown self. To take time.

Your question doesn’t have to look like a question. It can be a fragment of conversation you overheard on the bus yesterday or the line of a song that won’t go away. Or a poem. It can be something someone asks you. My friend Vanda asked me- Is there a map for growing old? It had an echo, that question. A reverberation that didn’t stop. I wrote a book to answer it.

A question can come from something you see and can’t make sense of. It can come from a memory or a set of memories or a photograph hanging on a wall. The year I turned 35, I went to Auschwitz and walked through its unspeakable rooms. I came to a room lined with photographs of faces, their eyes flashing terror. That’s how I would have been, I thought.

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Judge Dale ~ And The Rest Will Take Care Of Itself

Shift Frequency | January 26 2013

“Money is the root of all evil,” (1 Timothy 6:10). I am not a religious man; a fanatic or philosopher by any stretch of the imagination and yet I admire how prophetic and profound this phrase has proven to be, as evidenced by mans excessive love for money; possessions and the political and moral history of human civilization.

Ironically, the only thing that money cannot buy is poverty, but then who wants poverty? You can’t even give it away and yet excessive wealth is responsible for it all and much more. It’s almost paradoxical!

Essentials such as food; clothing; shelter and transportation all have an inherent worth and dollar value assigned to them and whom will provide and supply any of these commodities for free? Sounds totally heartless but perfectly logical and yet my Galactic contact inquired: “Why do you need money?”

Another paradox because my friend certainly wouldn’t be asking that question of me if the Galactics used money, but if they don’t, what fuels their initiative and commerce?
I thought I would be clever and responded to his question with a question: So, why don’t you need money? Instead of a definitive response, the answer I received was: “You are immortal and know the answer to that question!” Don’t you just hate when that happens; isn’t it enough that I can hear voices?

I learned from our previous discussions with my Galactic friend, that all human beings possess the God spark, which was defined as intelligent energy; the energy of creation; the energy to create; the root of immortality and that only the physical organic body I incarnated into, is limited by time and fate.

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