Mobile Phone Industry Fights to Keep You Ignorant of the Risks

waterDr. Joseph Mercola – The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified cellphones as a Group 2B “possible carcinogen”1 based on the evidence available in 2011. Since then, the evidence of harm has grown significantly. Science delivered a scathing blow to the cellphone industry this year, with three major studies supporting suspicions that cellphone radiation increases your risk of cancer2,3 and other health problems.

Still, public doubt seems to linger. Two articles written by Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie — one in The Nation,4 the other in The Guardian5 — highlight how such doubts are manufactured by the telecommunications industry which, barring public outcry, does not appear to have any interest in making their products safer.

Clear Evidence Cellphone Radiation Promotes Cancer

In February 2018, the findings of two government-funded lifetime exposure studies6 (one on mice, the other on rats) were published. The animals in these studies were exposed to cellphone radiation for nine hours a day for two years, which is the normal, full life span of both mice and rats. Continue reading

Study: X-Ray Mammography Is Accelerating Cancer Epidemic

radiationSean Adl-Tabatabai – A growing body of research now suggests that x-ray mammography is accelerating the cancer epidemic in the western world.

In 2006, a paper published in the British Journal of Radiobiology, entitled “Enhanced biological effectiveness of low energy X-rays and implications for the UK breast screening programme,” revealed the type of radiation used in x-ray-based breast screenings is much more carcinogenic than previously thought:

Recent radiobiological studies have provided compelling evidence that the low energy X-rays as used in mammography are approximately four times – but possibly as much as six times – more effective in causing mutational damage than higher energy X-rays. Since current radiation risk estimates are based on the effects of high energy gamma radiation, this implies that the risks of radiation-induced breast cancers for mammography X-rays are underestimated by the same factor. Continue reading

The Power of Peppermint: 15 Health Benefits Revealed

peppermint, Sayer Ji – A favorite herbal medicine of the ancients, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC. Modern scientific investigations have now confirmed that this remarkable plant has over a dozen healing properties.

In our continuing effort to educate folks to the vast array of healing agents found in the natural world around us, we are excited to feature peppermint, a member of the aromatic mint family that you may already have squirreled away somewhere in your kitchen cupboard. While most have experienced peppermint as a flavoring agent, or perhaps as a comforting cup of herbal tea, few are aware of its wide range of experimentally confirmed therapeutic properties.

The ancients certainly were aware of the mint family’s medicinal value, having been used as herbal medicines in ancient Egypt, Greek and Rome thousands of years ago.[i]  Dried peppermint leaves have even been found in several Egyptian pyramids carbon dating back to 1,000 BC. Continue reading

Undeniable Evidence That Smart Meters Cause Massive Changes to the Heart

smart metersEthan Huff – An expert in smart meter microwave transmission power has published new research showing that, contrary to the official government narrative, the radiation emitted from smart meters directly interferes with normal heart function.

To come to this conclusion, Warren Woodward connected himself to an EKG monitor while lying near an Elster smart meter which was connected to a high-frequency analyzer that measures microwave frequencies. As it alternated between normal readings of 00.1 and 00.2, a monitor display showed that Woodward’s heart patterns were normal and symmetrical.

But during times when it spiked to 139.3 – this being the time when the smart meter initiated data transmissions – Woodward’s EKG pattern changed dramatically in response. Continue reading

Newsweek Sounds the Alarm AGAIN on Gov’t Research of Cell Phone Radiation

alienB.N. Frank – Cell phone manufacturers are warning shareholders(not customers) that they may eventually be found liable for harm from their products.  No one seems willing to insure them anymore either.

Decades of research from government, independent, industry and military scientists have already proven that exposure to all sources of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation are harmful in more ways than cancer risk.  Lab testing is available to diagnose if exposure is causing or worsening symptoms and illnesses.

Excerpts from the most recent Newsweek article,  “Do Cellphones Cause Cancer? Government Study Reveals ‘Stunningly Important’ Findings” justify AGAIN why we all should start taking radiation exposure more seriously for ourselves and everyone else: Continue reading