Your Body Is Taking You Along For The Ride

  Your Body Is Taking You Along For The RideLorna Bevan – Right through August, expect increasingly high frequencies and strong plasma solar light.

In rare cosmic intensity, the month is bracketed by 2(!) Super Full Moons when Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line and the Moon in its nearest approach to Earth. Make a note of the volatile geo-cosmic shock window between July 29 – August 4 surrounding the Aquarius Super Moon on August 1st. Continue reading

Why It’s Important for You to Take Breaks and Time Off

Why It’s Important for You to Take Breaks and Time OffWe must admit that most of us love our work; in fact, we can’t imagine doing anything else! Whether you work as your own boss and run a business or are part of a company, you are most likely proud of the work you do – and proud of how it benefits the country. But it’s all too easy to suffer from a breakdown – especially in these times when so much work needs to be done

This is why taking breaks and times off once in a while is important to give your mind and body a chance to recharge and relax. But why else should you give yourself the time off and the break you deserve? It turns out that there are plenty more benefits to it as well. So today, we will discuss how truly important it is for you to take breaks and times off. Continue reading

The main theme for September is Adjustment

AdjustmentLena Stevens – We are now navigating the debris kicked up by events that triggered the reset of August. We know something is different, and we know things should be different. We feel somehow different and some of us are manifesting big changes, but we cannot fully embrace the reality of it until we adjust on all levels, assimilating and integrating as we go.

So, this is the period of great adjustment.

There is a new energy inside each one of us whether it is tangible at this point or not. This new energy requires that your environment, whatever that may be, adjust itself to you in a new way. This could mean a sudden move, a radical change in work, an upgrade in your home, vehicle or electronics or a change in your relationships including one with self. Continue reading

Third Eye Travel

Family DynamicsDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. I want to talk about Third Eye Travel because there is a lot more of it naturally happening, and there are some benefits, there are some side effects and I just wanted to discuss that a little bit.

One is that the physical eyes may get a little bit more fatigued or sometimes a little cloudy or scratchy temporarily. There may be a need to get a little extra sleep to make up for all of the activity on the inner planes while the body is at rest.

And certainly it does consume a lot of water in the body so dehydration is more common and one should watch hydration levels and electrolyte levels specifically and also perhaps micro-minerals in the body. So not the macro ones such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and MSM but rather the micro-minerals or the nutrients you generally absorb through foods. So look towards trace minerals as a supplement to help support the process. Continue reading

Afraid? Ask for help

restThe Angels – You are all in need of rest. While many of you require physical rest, the rest we are speaking of here is the relaxation of the mind. We know that your world appears to be in chaos. Political unrest, economic uncertainty, storms, health issues, etc. are stirring up the hearts and minds of many… however, if you rest in the truth of the love that sources your very being, then in spite of the world, you can be at peace. You can truly learn to exist, “in the world, but not of it.”

When your minds begin to race ahead, and you find yourself worrying about what might happen, what should happen, what could happen, stop yourself. Ask yourself instead, “What is happening right now, within me, in this very moment.” The answer might be very simple. “I am afraid. I am not sure what is to come. I am not secure in knowing I will be able to handle the economy / my health / some other situation / etc. I don’t feel safe in my life, or upon this earth. I am afraid God. I am afraid dear angels. I need truth. I need comfort.”

In this fashion you open yourself to receiving love. You become as a child, asking to be reassured, comforted, and guided. Even in this admission that you are afraid, and that you want truth, you are opening to the possibility that love is there for you. Indeed it is, always has been, and always will be.

Go into your hearts. Find what is there, and in so doing, you will give your mind rest. Once the heart is in charge, the mind must relax. Admit your concerns to the angels, to heaven. Then stop. Breathe deeply. Ask to be comforted, reassured, and guided. Listen to the still small voice, the gentle urgings, the feelings within. They are the voices of love.

We are here for you. In a world that appears to be in chaos, there is always greater order emerging. We see this. We know this. We can help you become immune to the fear and chaos. The deeper you open to receive love, the more you open to truth that lies inside of you. You are a healthy, happy, abundant soul whose light is so much stronger, more radiant, than any of the world’s chaos. You can live “in the world but not of it” but as we have repeated many times, it is important that you “be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Come to us, not simply asking for worldly solutions, but also, more importantly, asking us to help comfort, reassure, and guide you. When you feel only love, the fear-based problems of this world cannot touch you. Relax your minds by dropping into your hearts and inviting us to assist. Rest in the knowing that you are, and always will be, resting in the heart of the Divine.

SF Source Visions of Heaven Sept. 2016

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