October Energy Report 2015

octoberJennifer Hoffman – Finally, we have switched over to a new month and new energy. These last few days of September have been really tough as we processed the energy of the eclipses, retrogrades, astro aspects, and saw them reflected in the world stage. We also had a very large energy download in September’s final days that felt great at first, then we all had energy hangovers as we tried to process and align with these new higher frequencies. We’re on target with our individual and collective path, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. So with all of that behind us, you would think that October would be ‘all systems go’ and it is, sort of. October is going to be a month for learning about alignment and resonance, where we have to first take action on the inner levels to be able to see the outer results that we want. It isn’t a matter of patience, it’s a matter of intention, seeing the process through from beginning to end, and keeping the outcome in the forefront when you need to remember why you’re doing this.

(NOTE: This month I did something different and shared energy exercises for several days before the end of September. You can find those exercises at the bottom of the page, after the October Energy Report).

October’s energies will feel a lot like what you go through when you buy furniture you have to put together. Even though I am a veteran of Ikea furniture, I get a little anxious before putting a new piece of furniture together.  What if I get everything out and the screws are missing, or the components don’t fit because the pilot holes are not aligned? What if I don’t like it when it’s completed? And the biggest question, how long is this going to take? Since I have done this quite a few times, I have a process. I gather the tools I will need, then I get all of the pieces out of the box, lay them out in order of assembly, I put the directions in a prominent place and I get started. Continue reading