A Reverse Bucket List

goldGary Christenson – Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starred in the 2007 movie, “The Bucket List.” A “bucket list” defines things we want to do before we die, before we “kick the bucket.”

A reverse bucket list—as used here—is a list of things that have already occurred but we wish had not happened.

The Reverse Bucket List

1- The Federal Reserve Act authorized the central bank of the United States.

That act allowed a privately owned bank—The Federal Reserve—which is neither federal nor a reserve—to control the nation’s money supply. Politicians and bankers are pleased The Fed exists because it enhances their power and wealth. However, the Fed devalues the dollar and creates price inflation for consumers and stocks. This weakens the economy and transfers wealth to the political and financial elite.

Not everyone wishes the Fed would disappear, but that desire is number one on this Reverse Bucket List. (I’m not optimistic about its demise…) Read “Secretly Sticking it to Americans.” Continue reading

President Nixon Hid Evidence Of Alien Life In White House Time Capsule! [Video]

Dark Journalist – In this special episode we will get an update from former Federal Informant and Covert Operator Robert Merritt who was a member of the Nixon Administration’s ultra secret Huston Plan reveals even more about his meeting deep beneath the White House where President Nixon revealed he was going to hide a Time Capsule Message containing UFO Disclosure and an ET Energy Formula that would Change the World!

The Kissinger Connection: UFO Crash Retrieval

New research has uncovered that Nixon’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was in charge of a program at Kirtland AFB that was part of the Rockefeller Special Studies Project to Re-engineer UFO Crash Retrievals. Continue reading

Dan Froomkin ~ Non-Denial Denials: It Started With Watergate

RichardNixonIn late October 1972, as the Washington Post was aggressively uncovering the secret, massive campaign of political spying and sabotage directed by Richard Nixon’s top White House and campaign officials, Watergate editor Barry Sussman started documenting a common theme in the public denials those stories were eliciting.

As Sussman wrote in his definitive 1973 book, “The Great Coverup: Nixon and the Scandal of Watergate“:

I picked out seventeen examples of unfounded criticism of the Post or of carefully worded statements meant to pass as denials that had been made by [then-press secretary Ron] Ziegler, [then-White House official Clark] MacGregor and [then-chairman of the Republican National Committee Bob] Dole, and put together a four-page analysis of them for others at work. I felt I had found an important key to understanding the Administration’s response, one that might give us at least some comfort if the attack on the Post continued. We were trying to report the news as best we could; they were playing at semantics, trying to make The Washington Post, and not Nixon campaign spying, into an election issue…

We had not been in error. We had hit a nerve.

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Jon Rappoport ~ Nixon, Rockefeller, IG Farben, And Global Control

JonRappoport  February 28 2014

I G Farben logo
I G Farben logo

To learn why Richard Nixon was really blown out of the White House, you could begin with the infamous Nazi chemical/pharmaceutical cartel, IG Farben. The cartel that pushed Hitler over the top into power in Germany.

One of its lasting legacies is the multinational corporation expanded to titanic proportions. Farben didn’t just buy smaller companies, it forged favorable agreements with huge corporations all over the world: Standard Oil (Rockefeller); Rhone-Poulenc; Imperial Chemical Industries; Du Pont; Dow.

During World War 2, Josiah Du Bois, representing the US federal government, was sent on a fact-finding mission to Guatemala. His comment: “As far as I can tell the country is a wholly owned subsidiary of Farben.”

What Farben stood for was an attempt to remake the planet in terms of power.

Farben held important cards. It employed brilliant chemists who, in some ways, were far ahead of its competitors. Farben was all about synthetics. Rubber, oil, dyes, pharmaceuticals.

Farben saw itself as a modern version of the old alchemists. Transforming one substance into another. It came to believe that, with enough time, it would be able to make anything from anything. It envisioned labs in which basic chemical facts would be changed so that, in practice, elements would be virtually interchangeable.

This paralleled the Nazi obsession to discover the lost secrets of the mythical Aryan race and then reconstitute it with selective breeding, genetic engineering, and of course the mass murder of “lesser peoples.”

On one level, there was the idea of chemical transformations, and on another level, the transformation of the human species.

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