The U.S. CDC: A Sock Puppet For The Industry And Hopelessly Corrupt

Catherine J Frompovich – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an attorney-at-law, author, and vaccine investigator, spoke before the New Jersey State legislature regarding the oppressive bill that was introduced to do away with religious exemptions for mandatory vaccinations for children in that state. However, before Kennedy’s presentation, he addressed the media with a dissertation that everyone in the USA needs to hear, especially every legislative body at any level of governance and, particularly, regulatory agencies dealing with health, healthcare and vaccines/vaccinations.

kennedyKennedy explained that he is not against vaccinations per se, and his six children all are vaccinated. His vaccine research began because of his work with educating about mercury contamination from coal burning power plants. At the lectures he would give, mothers would tell him about mercury being injected into their children via vaccines, and that he should investigate what that mercury does to kids, since many of them told of their children’s health problems after being vaccinated.

That was the beginning of his research, which ended in his book, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak.

As a result of all the research his team did, he came to the conclusion the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “is a cesspool of corruption” and a “sock puppet” for the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry! As matter of fact, these are his exact words: “a troubled agency, in fact, a cesspool of corruption.” It’s pervasive and “hopelessly corrupt and dysfunctional.” Based upon that, Kennedy contends that no one should be mandated to take vaccines because the science cannot be trusted. Continue reading