Why We Need the Sacred Feminine

This post has been rolling around in the hay and compost for awhile — decomposing, fermenting and recomposing into something that resembles dirt. Or soil. Nourishment for roots, fungi, worms and souls. If that sounds distasteful to you, then you might not like this post, and I’m OK with that. But I cannot, in good conscience, say nothing, so here goes, in no particular order, because sometimes messy, sullied, unruly, damp and slimy provide exactly what standardized artificial fertilizers, synthetic UV lights, rationality and endless iterations of patriarchal straightjackets fail to deliver. Here goes.

Take a mainstream media source, any mainstream media source, male or female. Now take an alternative media source — go ahead, there’s a lot to choose from: Alex Jones, Jon Rappoport, David Icke, Zero Hedge, David Wilcox, Benjamin Fulford, Jeff Rense … and many more. Take a politician, any politician, male or female, including Hillary “Takes Glee in Having Defended a Man She Knew Raped a 12-Year-Old Girl” Clinton. Take a music video, fashion runway, magazine, or Hollywood film. Now pick a fundamentalist offshoot of a religion (any one will do) — Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Jesuit, even the “Golden” “New Age” fundamentalists.

Regardless of intention or sincerity, what do such a diverse group of “representatives,” “mouthpieces” and “arbiters” all have in common?

A complete desecration or denial of the Sacred Feminine.

"Sacred Feminine" classification by artist
“Sacred Feminine” classification by artist

If She’s not attacked, co-opted as a female figurehead, or corseted into the more socially accepted “Divine Feminine,” then she’s simply absent. Not available for comment. Three Monkeyed out of existence. I almost wrote “Sacred Famine-ine” … because it’s that dry and barren. Nary a Goddess in sight, except to mock, co-opt, demonize, sterilize, neutralize, or ridicule. I am sure at least some of these people sincerely wish good will upon humans and our planet, but with friends like these, who needs Thought Police? Who needs a carefully orchestrated One World Government and One World Religion when we’ve already eradicated the Creatrix Womb and such subversive, exuberant, and juicy birth canals? Who needs the Hidden Hand of a New World Order, Ordo Ab Chao, when we’ve already neutered or repressed all that “superstition,” “mindless ritual,” “emotion,” “false energy Matrix” and “ridiculous”/”evil” magick?

“Divine Feminine” classification by artist

Haven’t you heard? The Light of “Reason” or the Pure Light of the Golden Age of “Oneness” is on the verge of defeating and destroying all things dark, silly, irrational, unequal, evil and soulful. Haven’t you heard? The soul’s a “trap.” “They” will kindly remove and dispose of it to save you the trouble of reincarnating. Or emoting. You, too, can join the (non-hierarchical) ranks of never-ending Light. At first you’ll experience accelerated growth, but yeah, eventually, you’ll fry. That’s OK, though, because this is the “New” paradigm, the pinnacle of existence, the static “5D” nirvana of “Oneness.”

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but…. Continue reading