The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap Bubble

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap BubbleJohn  Smallman – Humanity is going to awaken, and you Light bearers know this.  Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen.

It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome.  When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on high burns brightly, helping to show others the way.

Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion. Continue reading

Love works – Love encourages – Love inspires

 John Smallman | January 1 2012

In truth all are one, and in the coming year this will become increasingly apparent as you continue purposefully onwards towards the moment of your awakening. It will be a moment of enormous significance, culminating in wondrous celebrations. You have, of course, heard this many times before but it needs to be repeated because, for many, daily life continues to be experienced as an exhausting and seemingly endless struggle for survival, which can easily distract you from focusing your attention on your purpose for being here – to carry the divine Light on high and show others the way.

As way-showers your faith in God’s Love for you and in His Will for you to awaken is unshakable, although at times doubts do arise when you are living through periods of great personal stress.  Remind yourselves that His Love for you is infinite, and because it is His Will there is no way that you can fail to awaken into your fully-conscious state – it is divinely ordained.

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Unconditional Forgiveness Is The Great Healer

John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog
November 20 2011

As the days pass and the intensified divine energies enveloping the planet are experienced by ever greater numbers of you, the urgency of your intent to awaken also intensifies. Many, who previously had dismissed spiritual ideas and beliefs as the mindless longings of the weak and ineffectual, are beginning to understand that this is not so, and are starting to reassess their values and attitudes as it becomes apparent to all that unloving ones lead only to conflict and destitution for all. The call to awaken is being heard and responded to with mounting enthusiasm all over the world.

As your progress towards awakening gathers speed, it is essential that all cease dragging their feet with regard to personal issues that they need to address and release. Frequently, the addressing of these issues has been delayed in the misguided belief that they are someone else’s problem, or because they have been strongly repressed or denied and seem inaccessible, or because someone feels that it would be unwise or inappropriate to stir up old and painful memories. But it is absolutely vital to look at all the unresolved issues hidden in the attics and basements of your minds where they continue to fester, and take the necessary steps to forgive absolutely everyone, without exception, whom you feel or believe has hurt you or any of your friends or loved ones in any way. Remember that those who have inflicted pain were in great pain themselves, and that true, indiscriminate, unconditional forgiveness causes a domino-like effect, allowing and encouraging love to flow into even the darkest of places, bathing all in its soothing balm. To forgive is to open your hearts in love and ensures that healing occurs; and much healing needs to occur because much pain has been inflicted through the eons all over the world.

And of course by forgiving you release enormous amounts of emotional baggage – baggage that has weighed you down with resentment and anger – enabling you to find the acceptance and happiness that you have been seeking for eons without very much success. Forgiveness is undoubtedly the most efficacious medicine available to promote healing and wellness. Continue reading

You demonstrate what you believe

by John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog
October 30 2011

BeliefDespite any doubts you may have, the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness is getting ever closer, and it will not be delayed or prevented. As light- bearers your task is simply to do as you have been doing and hold the light on high so that all may see it.  Many are looking for it, and as it is the divine intent that they find it, then they will.

To hold the light is to demonstrate loving attitudes at all times.  Of course, as incarnate beings in the illusion, your capabilities are limited and your egos can and do interfere, causing you to sometimes think, speak, or act impulsively in ways that you may later regret.  Do not judge yourselves harshly for errors occurring in this way.  If an apology would be appropriate, make it sincerely and move on.  Be aware that admitting to another that you have made an error is healing for you, and can be very inspiring for the other.  If the other chooses not to accept your apology it is of no real consequence; what matters is that you corrected your error, which is in itself loving behavior, and that is what you are intending to live and demonstrate.

To demonstrate is to teach, and you demonstrate what you believe.  This can be very revealing when a belief is claimed and something different is demonstrated by behavior and lifestyle.  Make sure that what you demonstrate is what you want to teach; if it is not, then you need to reassess, reevaluate, and revise your beliefs to correct this imbalance.  Many claim honorable beliefs but are unable to demonstrate them in their own lives, and when you notice this kind of conflict between belief and display it can serve as a useful reminder to check and confirm that the beliefs you are demonstrating are those you intend to demonstrate.  For instance, it is very easy to slip into unloving behavior by just failing to pay attention when rushing somewhere to avoid being late.

In the illusion, life is confusing, because you want to behave lovingly and yet frequently you find yourselves in situations in which it appears that to do so will cost you respect and honor because you will seem weak when you are expected to be forceful.  But that is not the case: it is easy to be forceful because being forceful is endemic.  But it does not lead to agreement or resolution as it causes defensiveness, and often issues that need to be addressed are avoided or passed over.  Whereas to behave lovingly is strong; it requires and demonstrates courage, and provides a space in which meaningful discussion can take place.

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The most effective way you can prepare for your awakening

by John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog
October 23 2011

As humanity’s time for being lost in the illusion of its collective, imaginary physical reality rolls towards its conclusion, continue to focus on your intent to change your unloving attitudes for the divine one of indiscriminate, unconditional love, and practice that at all times, allowing it to direct all your thoughts, words, and actions.  This is the most profound and effective way that you can prepare for your grand awakening.  Until you release attitudes of judgment and blame, and until you stop nurturing desires to see those whom you feel have offended, hurt, taken advantage of you or betrayed you, taken to task and punished for their misdeeds you will not awaken.

The reason for this is that while you hold those beliefs you would feel totally out of place and extremely uncomfortable – even betrayed! – to be in a place where all are unconditionally loved.  It would seem so unfair to you that those “miserable, selfish beings who had hurt you so cruelly” could be accepted wholeheartedly and lovingly by God.  It is as simple as that.  Love is indiscriminately accepting and all encompassing, but unloving attitudes demand to be separate from those judged to be wrong, or sinners.  It would be a total mismatch, a state of utter incompatibility, and you just could not bear to be there!

Judgment is a projection, a dissociation, a displacement activity, whereby someone who feels guilty or unworthy attempts to distract and even distance himself from that fearful state by focusing his attention on the wrongdoings of others, and by then gloatingly calling them to the attention of others.  The underlying condition of someone who behaves in that fashion is one of bitter unhappiness and dread lest his own misdemeanors should be uncovered.  Most humans have experienced occasions when they have felt very unhappy, and to be in the presence of someone who is feeling exhilaratingly happy only intensifies that feeling, and their one desire is to be somewhere else!  To be in Heaven, in Reality, while feeling the need to be separate from others perceived as unacceptable would be excruciatingly painful.

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