The Solfeggio Tones Create Greater Spirituality

JillsWingsOfLight  November 28 2013

From Redice Creations

Horowitz and Puleo in Healing Codes for Biological Apocalypse claim that the ancient Solfeggio tones, “vibrate the exact frequencies required to transform spirit to matter or matter to spirit”. Their book reveals a pattern of numbers encoded in Numbers 7:12-89 (Bible) that they convert into frequencies. Horowitz and Puleo also write that the Solfeggio tones are capable of “spiritually inspiring humankind to be more Godlike”.

The content of this seemingly unimportant text in Numbers 7:12-89 is about mundane activities that occurred on different days. The Pythagorean skein is then applied to the numbers of the verses associated with different days. For example the text describing the first day is on verse 12, which has a Pythagorean skein of 12, or 1 + 2 = 3. The second day starts on verse 18, or 1 + 8 = 9. The third day is located on verse 24, or 2 + 4 = 6. These three numbers (3,9,6) create the first set of numbers in this code. When you apply the same process to the rest of the chapter you get the following set of numbers:

Solfeggio Scale

1st set = 396 hertz
2nd set = 417 hertz
3rd set = 528 hertz
4th set = 639 hertz
5th set = 741 hertz
6th set = 852 hertz

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