Empowerment Begins Inside Your Body

Empowerment Begins Inside Your BodySelacia – How many times have you had a hunch about something, then discounted it and continued on with your choice? Everyone has done this, of course, mainly because conventional norms do not place intuition in its proper place of high regard.

Long ago, though, the ancient peoples valued hunches and other intuitive wisdom. It was a normal part of life to listen to one’s body and to pay attention to subtle messages coming from outside the body, too. Wisdom keepers of diverse traditions tell us of a time when people valued all life, understanding that every living thing could be a vast resource of knowledge. Continue reading

Keys for Making Peace with Your Past

Earth’s Pivotal Years | December 15 2011

You are a spiritual being, your body being the expression of your spirit here on Earth.

DNAYour family gave you roots, a physical foundation and beginning for your life. For most people, the early years with family involved lots of dysfunction. After all, the majority of caretakers haven’t mastered unconditional love – they pass their dysfunctional patterns on to the next generation. Whether your caretaker was a parent or another person, you learned his or her view of life. You learned to see the world through a dysfunctional lens. When you are older, you may blame your family, being angry about how you were treated and the convoluted notions you learned to see as truth.

As a divine change-maker, you know that blaming is no solution. You know you must take responsibility for your own life. You know that you can choose a different path than the one you were shown. You may even be aware that your early conditioning can be healed by addressing it on a DNA level.

How do you make peace with your early life – honoring your roots while also healing from the effects of those same roots? The following are five tips for making peace with your past.

Five Tips to Make Peace with Your Past

Themes – Ask your inner wisdom to show you key problematic themes from childhood that are not yet fully cleared on a DNA level. Examples could be shyness in public, self-sabotage when you feel hurt, jealously, or lack of boundaries. How you know an issue remains within your DNA is that the issue comes up today in a problematic way – causing you distress. Healing occurs in layers over time – to be complete you must address the root of it in your DNA, including patterns hidden from view in your subconscious.

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