Belonging to Yourself

lifeMary O’Malley – I want to offer you a healing invitation. No matter what you do with this invitation, it will bring clarity into your life:

Go to a mirror and really see your face. This is not a quick glance. This is seeing your face as if you’ve never seen it before. Be fascinated. Be interested! Stay with this as long as you can.

Now, one of three things happened when you heard this invitation. The first is that you reacted and contracted, saying, “Heck no!” or just thought, “I don’t have time for this.”  The second is that you went to the mirror and all you saw was what is wrong about your face. Continue reading

Why You Have Incarnated

self Veronica – During a life progression one often asks themselves why they have incarnated. While the answers are varied and very individualistic, it can be difficult when one finds themselves stagnant in their life path.

Working with the underdeveloped aspects of the self is a vocation that all need to embrace. It’s easy to acknowledge the talents, but much harder to acknowledge the faults. Often one may be projecting those faults upon others instead of reaching deep to still the chaos within. All in all it can become a vicious circle that escalates into sheer madness.

In that moment, it may seem that there is no way to escape. That everything is cascading to a point of no return.

This is the moment when one needs to stand still for a moment to realize that everyone has weaknesses within. These weaknesses can cause setbacks, poor judgement, and down right confusion.

Stand still for a moment.

You came here to evolve and share your beautiful energy in a dimension that truly survives by your personal exchange with it.

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