Meet the Shadow Government

Lionel Media – Some obviousness. But I hope you’re able to take this. It can get rough. Truth is funny that way.

Trump is gone so focus on the here and now

TrumpThis is so difficult for so many. It was the closest they came to a political ideology. The loathing of DJT. It’s all they knew. Well, Sparky, it’s time to move on and move along.

That dotard you elected watches Matlock in the afternoon and gets hopped up with Adderall and Go-Go Juice whenever he has to speak. That’s right. If you voted (or think you voted) for Biden and the Hyena, are you in for the shock of your life. It’s true. Sorry. But it’s true. Continue reading

Wayne Allen Root Makes Obama ‘Treason’ Announcement [w/ Videos]

Your News Wire – The evidence is overwhelming that former President Obama is working behind the scenes in a shadow government to thwart the Trump presidency.

Former VP Candidate, Wayne Allen Root, today posted on his Facebook page that Dana Boente, acting District Attorney General, is allegedly working on ways to find a viable path to charge Obama with treason.

Boente is second in the line of succession to be Attorney General of the United States, under a Feb. 9 Executive Order signed by President Trump.

According to various reports, Obama has been working behind the scenes in trying to overthrow the Trump administration, colluding with domestic terrorist organisations to incite riots nationwide. reports:

With President Obama immediately upon leaving office establishing a private website and proclaiming on it that:

“I won’t stop; in fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my days that remain.”

Its obvious to even laymen to deduce that  “The Berkeley riots may have been ordered by President Obama himself.”

Continue reading

Deep State Rising: The Mainstreaming of the Shadow Government

deep stateJames Corbett – It goes by many names: The shadow government. The deep state. The secret team. Whatever it is called, the idea is simple: there is an unelected, unaccountable, largely unknown group behind the facade of the visible government that wields power and works toward long-term agenda goals no matter which political party or puppet politician holds office.

Long the domain of the dreaded “conspiracy theorist” community, the idea has surfaced here and there over the years. The JFK assassination has given rise to many inside accounts and outside exposés of The Secret Team. The Iran-Contra scandal led to a Bill Moyers documentary on The Secret Government that is still worth watching 19 years later. It was even openly acknowledged that a “shadow government” had kicked into operation on 9/11.

But an odd phenomenon has taken place in recent years and intensified in recent months: the idea of a deep state or a “shadow government” controlling politics, even in the US, is becoming mainstream.

It has graced the cover of any number of recent books, including “Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry” (link) and “The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government.” (link)

It has found its way into the online political media from both the left (Salon) and the right (The American Conservative) ends of the controlled political spectrum.

It has been invoked by mainstream financial analysts to describe the actions of the Federal Reserve.

It has been revisited by Bill Moyers on his website.

It has found its way into the headlines of The Boston Globe (“Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change“) and the New York Times (“America’s ‘Establishment’ Has Embraced ‘Deep States’“).

Heck, it has even been talked about on the World Bank’s blog.

This onslaught of attention begs the question: why now? Why are so many mainstream outlets suddenly shining a light on something that has barely been acknowledged in the past? Continue reading

The Shadow Government Blackmails Everyone [Video]

James Corbett – Even if you ignore the immorality of statism and the tyranny of the majority, anyone who believes that voting actually matters is simply ignorant of the deep state and how it uses its intelligence apparatus to monitor and blackmail everyone in a position of political power. sElection 2016 will change nothing.


officialsSibel Edmonds on Hoover’s FBI & Thick Files on Government Officials, Rubber-Stamp FISA, Edward Snowden, Recent Revelations by Russ Tice

James Corbett unplugs me (as always) on the recent revelations by NSA whistleblower Russ Tice, Edward Snowden, Qualifying Federal Judge Candidates,  the Still-Hoover’s-FBI, and much more! Continue reading

It’s Clear They’re Here – But Who & Why? From Where & How?

ETsSpaceshipsSkyCloudIf one chooses to dive into the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and the extraterrestrial hypothesis, they would no doubt be overwhelmed by all of the credible evidence that’s now available in the public domain pointing to the fact that; not only are we not alone, but planet Earth has been visited and is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft.

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” – Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell (source) (source)

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

Reports of strange and unexplained objects in our atmosphere go back for centuries. In modern history, the topic began attracting some serious attention when mass UFO sightings were occurring in the 1940’s and 50’s. The rate of incidents were so high that they could not be concealed, and President Truman was forced to make a statement about them on national television. He stated that the topic of UFOs is discussed at every conference that the administration has had with the military. He said that there are always things like that going on. (source) Continue reading