Find Purpose Beyond Your Fear

purposeSimon & Jennifer Vorster – This New Moon in Scorpio brings with it an initiation of change that could lead us towards our deeper purpose in life. This change may be disguised though; It may take the form of something you would rather move away from than towards..

Let´s explore the evolutionary potential held in this Lunar Cycle..

Remember Your True Self

The Sun and Moon in Scorpio, Inconjunct Chiron (retrograde) in Aries and opposite Uranus (retrograde) in Taurus

In each of us lies a divine spark awaiting to be lit up, to be felt and paid attention to. Our world and our sense of connection to it has been, for many ages, defined solely through a lens of outer external meaning. The careers we choose, the social hierarchical statuses we attain and the truths we play out uphold the nature of this reality.

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Light, Dark and Shadows

lightJennifer Hoffman – Shining our light is a great thing but not everyone appreciates our efforts. That’s because our light reveals their shadows and that can be too much for them to handle.

In fact our light can be too much for us to handle as it reveals our shadows too and that can make us doubt our path, our progress, and our mission. But it shouldn’t because the purpose of the light is to reveal the shadows so we know where to apply healing and more light so we can continue to move forward along our ascension path.

It is so tempting to believe that the ascension journey is all love and light and we all have a first class seat on the ascension train. But it isn’t, as we have found out, it’s a lot of work and we’re not on the express train, which makes no stops, we’re on the one that stops in every little station in every little town on the way.

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Your Shadow Self: How To Face It, Bring It To Light & Transcend It

What you most need will be found where you least want to look, but you have to look purposefully. If it chases you, then you’re the prey; if you confront it, you can transcend it.” – Jordan Peterson

shadowMilan Karmeli – There is a lot written about shadow and what it is. The direction is clear. Shadow is something we repress and hide from others, and in most cases, from ourselves. Where does it originate and what can we do to integrate or heal it?

Let’s begin by asking ‘why we have a shadow?’ Is it because we carry darkness at our core or does the shadow take shape over our lifetime as residue of fear, rage, shame and guilt, and their avoidance? I’d say a little bit of both. On the human collective level, we carry trauma related to suffering and aggression of our ancestors. But for the most part, our shadow develops during this lifetime in the form of a complex and sophisticated personality, that keeps us with a sense of control. Continue reading

Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

lightL J Vanier – An awakening to understanding that was once clouded by the smoke and mirrors of society and the puppet masters who pull the strings.

While our individual experiences may differ based on our own perceptions, beliefs and ideals, among the ‘awakened ones’ there is a commonality that can’t be denied.

What may have started for you as a ringing in the ears or seeing repeating numbers patterns commonly known as synchronicities, has now catapulted you into a full-fledge explorative journey through the pathways of your own consciousness.

Some will have travelled the underworld, navigating the unconscious, others will have trekked the upper realms of spirit, or simply explored conscious thought process, but all of us in our essential quest, are seeking to activate what Carl G. Jung coined the ‘super conscious’ by means of exploring the three hemispheres, three worlds, or what is more commonly understood as the ‘three paths of shamanism’.

Upon activation and awakening, each of us begin our journey to solidify and unite the unconscious, allowing it to feed our conscious minds as we expand our awareness, forging an awakening of cataclysmic magnitude.

No matter your religion, ethnicity or race, beliefs or values, each of us essentially arrive at the few common realizations and this is how we can confirm and know for sure that what we are experiencing is real and verifiable.

1.Everything is connected

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