Ex-Model Who Attempted to Reveal Berlusconi’s Satanic Practices Died from Painful Radioactive Poisoning

Richard Enos – The case of Imane Fadil, a Moroccan ex-model who claimed to have witnessed “demonic rituals” at Silvio Berlusconi’s mansion, might shed some light on how these activities have been kept secret for so long, and why some people are still able to maintain plausible deniability about their existence.

‘I Met The Devil’

Fadil, whose testimony in 2013 helped to convict ex-Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi of “child prostitution,” had volunteered to be a witness in a related investigation against Berlusconi that is still ongoing. This investigation alleges that Berlusconi bribed 18 girls that participated in his sexually provocative home parties to “speak positively” about Berlusconi.

She was also looking for a publisher that was “courageous enough” to print a book she was completing entitled I Met the Devil, a tell-all book about events surrounding Burlosconi’s conviction (dubbed Rubygate) as well as an exposé of his dark secrets. Continue reading