Creating New Paradigms (Part 1)

Walk The Earth As A Living Master | February 2012

For hundreds of years, we have witnessed many of you living lives that involved various forms of struggle – struggling to make ends meet, struggling to be happy in your jobs and often struggling with great sadness in your hearts to make relationships work when they were not at all what you expected them to be. That kind of struggling is over if you are willing to step out of the illusions that have been sustaining the limiting programming within humanity’s belief systems for thousands of years. As you reconnect with the Presence of your True Self, you are accepting your great potential to walk in your Mastery in this lifetime and perhaps in this great year of 2012! ~ Masters Saint Germain and Lady Portia

As you continue to unfold more of your capacity to walk in your mastery, it is important to remember that your Presence is not a projection of your ego mind, and your Presence can only merge with the unlimited realms of your being. This is why it is so vital in these times to connect with the unlimited facets of your mind, your heart and the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA.

After the fall of Atlantis, the ego mind of the limited personality self began to assume a controlling position over the soul. It did this by merging with the areas in the conscious and the unconscious realms of the mind that were starting to open to the idea of using the personal ego to create their lives rather than living in harmony with their Divine Blueprint. The personal ego began putting conditions on the mind until eventually humanity believed that it had to constantly strive to overcome its limited existence and even its ability to love unconditionally.

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