French Court Orders Removal of Smart Meter for Health Reasons

metersA French court has ordered the removal of the controversial Linky electricity smart meters from 13 homes, for medical reasons.

The country’s tribunal de grande instance (TGI or the civil court) of Tours studied the case of 12  plaintiffs against the Linky meters.

The court denied 108 of the claims and accepted the remaining 13. The court recognized a probable link between their medical complaints and their Linky smart meters.

According to the court, the complaint included a seven-year-old child living in Tours, who was in “a state of chronic fatigue” and having “difficulty sleeping.” A medical note claimed the symptoms “could be linked to the Linky meter.” Continue reading

Documentary Exposes ‘Smart’ Meters, Technocracy and What You Can Do [Video]

meterJosh del Sol Beaulieu and Alison Main – As of today, the award-winning 2017 edition of “Take Back Your Power”, is now released permanently free on YouTube. This compelling documentary exposes a critical problem that affects everyone: ‘smart’ utility meters which facilitate in-home spying, increase utility bills, present a risk of homes fires and hacking, emit wireless pulses and dirty electricity, and are shown to cause health problems.

At a time when divisive political battles rage on, some things closer to home perhaps deserve more attention. The concept of looking higher than the mainstream narrative is something that GreenMedInfo readers are well accustomed to, so I will dive right in.

One such close-to-home focus is that of ‘smart’ utility meters, a highly-invasive technology that is positioned to be integrated with big telecom’s 5G plans. The innocuous-sounding ‘smart’ meter has been shown to facilitate in-home surveillance, health risks, unjust billing increases, thousands of house fires, and hacking vulnerability.

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Undeniable Evidence That Smart Meters Cause Massive Changes to the Heart

smart metersEthan Huff – An expert in smart meter microwave transmission power has published new research showing that, contrary to the official government narrative, the radiation emitted from smart meters directly interferes with normal heart function.

To come to this conclusion, Warren Woodward connected himself to an EKG monitor while lying near an Elster smart meter which was connected to a high-frequency analyzer that measures microwave frequencies. As it alternated between normal readings of 00.1 and 00.2, a monitor display showed that Woodward’s heart patterns were normal and symmetrical.

But during times when it spiked to 139.3 – this being the time when the smart meter initiated data transmissions – Woodward’s EKG pattern changed dramatically in response. Continue reading

Smart Meters Can Overbill By Up To 582 % Above Actual Consumption

smart metersCatherine J. Frompovich – March 3, 2017, Science Daily reported about overcharges new electronic ‘energy meters’—aka “smart meters”—are capable of pulling off due to false readings, as per a report of what’s been happening in Dutch households in The Netherlands.

The study was undertaken at the University of Twente (UT) in collaboration with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS).  Due to rumors of overwhelming overbillings, Professor Frank Leferink of UT investigated electronic meters to determine if they, in fact, can give false readings.

Together with co-workers Cees Keyer and Anton Melentjev from AUAS, he tested nine different electronic meters in this study. The meters in question were manufactured between 2004 and 2014. The meters were connected, via an electric switchboard, to a range of power-consuming appliances, such as energy saving light bulbs, heaters, LED bulbs and dimmers. The researchers then compared the actual consumption of the system with the electronic energy meter’s readings.  [1]

So what were the findings? Continue reading

Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect

Catherine J Frompovich – Can you see and feel its effects in the air?  Of course you can, but you don’t know how to identify it correctly!  It’s all around us like an ocean of electromagnetic frequencies that we are swimming in, which are pulsed out from many more sources than we can begin to imagine and, more confoundedly, not accept that they are causing damage to all living elements, especially young children who are most vulnerable.

I’m talking about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or radiofrequencies (RFs), which have become so ubiquitous that we haven’t stopped to realize what’s been happening to us—especially children exposed to Wi-Fi in schools—and how trees [4] and other plant life are being damaged.

Where do these EMFs come from?

Microwaves that are emitted by cell phone and mast towers, cell phones, AMI smart meters for electric, natural gas and water utilities, microwave ovens, and all ‘smart’ appliances that contain ZigBee chips, which are two-way radio transmitters operating using microwave technologies.

Many people today are beginning to realize that they function in what they call a ‘fog’ and can’t figure out why.  They are run down with no energy and constantly enervated.  Does that sound like you or someone you know, especially your children?  Then think electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Continue reading