The World Won’t Change Until We Do


Wes Annac – It’s clear that there’s a lot of evil in the world, and it’s easy to get dismayed at our society’s current condition. Sometimes, we’re hit with the world’s ills when we least expect, and centeredness can be difficult when we try our best and still can’t get past all of the negativity and drama.

We only need to look around to see that our world’s broken. It seems difficult for most people to find lasting happiness, and while a corrupt, self-obsessed elite continues to blow the planet to smithereens for personal profit, most ‘common’ people struggle with negative, selfish and uncaring tendencies that keep us from a new world just as much as the elite’s crimes.

We’ve forgotten how to treat each other as fellow humans who are trying to survive and create a life worth living. We’ve forgotten that we’re all reaching for the same goals – to live, to enjoy life, and to do it with as little conflict or turmoil as possible. Some people create conflict out of thin air that others are forced to respond to, and they do it out of a lack of self-love, which fuels their anger and their ability to love or respect others.

We need to change the way we function as a society, and when we understand the things we’re all doing – not just the elite, but the common man too – we won’t just want to make external changes. It’s understandable that so many people want to change the outer world and bring an end to division, hatred and uncaring, and this is why people have embraced activism throughout the ages, but it’s incomplete if it isn’t accompanied by personal change.

Personally, our world’s condition (and the condition of our collective consciousness) has saddened me on more than one occasion. For me, this isn’t just about the corruption in our governments or big corporations – it’s about the mindsets, attitudes and behaviors of each individual, because we’re all responsible for our planet’s condition. The elite have only gotten away with their crimes because we’ve been too divided and complacent to do anything about them, and the condition of the common man concerns me just as much as corporate or government corruption.

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The Secret Powers Of Time [Video]

theRSAorg May 24 2010

Renowned psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo explains how our individual perspectives of time affect our work, health and well-being.

This RSA Animate was taken from a lecture given as part of the RSA’s free public events programme. The RSA is an Enlightenment-founded charity, and is dedicated to driving social change and spreading world-changing ideas. For more information about our work, visit