Trusting The Divine Through Uncertain Times

“I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that we each have our own. Fear will only take us down a blind alley. Are your choices based on fear or are they based on heart felt guidance of the soul?” T Bourne

TrustWaterEyeHow much do you really trust?

Do you trust that if you do exactly what your soul is guiding you to do, you’ll be in exactly the right place at the right time and get exactly what you need to be who you truly are? Do you trust enough to do what you are ‘meant’ to do?

The world is in pretty uncertain times. If we look throughout history, we’ve undergone huge transition periods through different eras. Unthinkable things have caught unsuspecting people off guard, heart-wrenching their lives. Throughout the ages, royalty has been overthrown, good men, women and children have been enslaved, currency rendered useless, war, disease and famine have wreaked havoc. This list is endless.

What makes us so different now?

Opening our eyes

Personally, I don’t think that any of us are immune to this type of thing! The world at large has had the wool pulled over its eyes for so long, that the majority don’t even see what is really going on. Most have long since forgotten what it really means to follow the path of the soul and see through the eyes of authenticity.

I feel Heaven in my heart. It is indescribably divine, providing the deepest inspiration during my journey through life. I see it reflected externally too, but in no way do I reside in a utopic ‘La la Land’ where I negate what is going on in the world. I see the beauty in things, yet I sincerely acknowledge that there is pain and suffering in this world too. I see the path to liberation for all sentient beings. True freedom IS when we follow the path of the soul in every moment. Continue reading

Shifting Timelines, Free Will & The Power Of Choice

 “So, yeah, if you’re getting the feeling lately that the world is a runaway train headed for a washed-out bridge with no one at the controls; and everyone is fighting over seating arrangements; that’s actually fairly accurate . . .” ~Chautauqua


Have you been feeling of late that someone turned up the treadmill on the rat race? Perhaps the world has begun feeling a bit like an accelerating merry-go-round threatening to toss you off if your grip fails. Does it feel as if insanity gains more ground every day while decency and morality continue to be given the Rodney King treatment? Have ya noticed that we’re not in Kansas anymore? I don’t know what is worse; the fact that there are now school shootings nearly every week – or that we’re getting used to it; accepting it much as the slave endures yet another lash from the walking boss.

These are just a few of the symptoms of the spiritual evolution currently well underway; and although it gets very little mainstream news coverage it is an irresistible wave of change, happening all around us right now. We can try to surf the crest of these changes, or be pummeled by them. The tired old paradigms of the Piscean age are crumbling now because they have to; they have no choice in the matter, their time on the stage is over, and thus we have the two opposite and divergent timelines separating from one another. One timeline remains in 4th dimensional frequency resonance, the other simply moves uphill an octave on the evolutionary scale, to 5th dimensional frequency resonance. This shifting of the timelines is rather like an election in the realm of spirit. Decide which frequency you wish to express in, and vote for it by giving it all your mental energy and focus…and it will become your reality. Continue reading

Transformation Of Humanity: Reclaiming Spiritual Power

Wake Up World  February 12 2014

Humanity has reached a fundamental crux point. What do we really need right now?

The Industrial Military Complex is taking over, seeping into all aspects of our lives. Humanity is being aneasthetised and downgraded. The system is designed perfectly to retard our spiritual evolution; to prevent true, empowered human beingness and interconnectivity with the whole of life. It’s become increasingly challenging to be our true selves.

It’s time for non-compliance with injustice and inequity in the system. It’s time to transform humanity, time to reclaim our spiritual power…

Reclaiming our Spiritual Power

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The Awakening

To some there are major changes happening and it is off the scale. It is felt within. Their hearts and minds are opening and the world is changing at a rapid rate. Others are seeing changes in their outer world at what seems a slower pace often not realizing what is happening within. Like a birth a whole new being is emerging from the inside out. The placenta will be discarded. It is the old world no longer needed as a containment vessel. The old world order has been the containment vessel and has been very creative at containing the masses in the first three chakras. Survival, sex and power fueled by the mass media, manufactured lack, wars, idols, chemicals to dumb you down such as fluoride, aspartame, GMO foods, high sugar and corn syrup acidic processed foods and psycotronics all play a part in this.

Regardless of their clever arrogance the old world order has missed the wisdom of evolution, universal law and the fact that the Earth and all who reside upon her have a different destiny. This destiny is supported and inspired by the Source itself and that destiny is to move to the next level. It is a destiny that cannot be stopped. It is happening even below the atomic level and assisted by the Source itself and the beautiful many servants of Creator/Spirit/God or what many refer to as Source or Original Cause.

Humanity is awakening, the heart, the voice, the vision, the direct knowing or God connection is activating on a grand scale. There are those who are locked into the base five senses, the body, personality what they can perceive with the first three chakras, survival, sex and power. The controllers have taken Orwellian and Draconian steps to keep them there. To them very little has changed and like a frog in the pot where the water is brought to boil slowly they have no idea they are being cooked. The old world order is now that frog It is being cooked from within by a spiritual fire. While they have been very busy cooking those they deem inferior they have failed to notice the bigger pot they are in – which is now starting to boil. The way out is to jump out of both pots. The big question is are we going to become the fire or the frog? (Another word for fire is spirit.)

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You demonstrate what you believe

by John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog
October 30 2011

BeliefDespite any doubts you may have, the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness is getting ever closer, and it will not be delayed or prevented. As light- bearers your task is simply to do as you have been doing and hold the light on high so that all may see it.  Many are looking for it, and as it is the divine intent that they find it, then they will.

To hold the light is to demonstrate loving attitudes at all times.  Of course, as incarnate beings in the illusion, your capabilities are limited and your egos can and do interfere, causing you to sometimes think, speak, or act impulsively in ways that you may later regret.  Do not judge yourselves harshly for errors occurring in this way.  If an apology would be appropriate, make it sincerely and move on.  Be aware that admitting to another that you have made an error is healing for you, and can be very inspiring for the other.  If the other chooses not to accept your apology it is of no real consequence; what matters is that you corrected your error, which is in itself loving behavior, and that is what you are intending to live and demonstrate.

To demonstrate is to teach, and you demonstrate what you believe.  This can be very revealing when a belief is claimed and something different is demonstrated by behavior and lifestyle.  Make sure that what you demonstrate is what you want to teach; if it is not, then you need to reassess, reevaluate, and revise your beliefs to correct this imbalance.  Many claim honorable beliefs but are unable to demonstrate them in their own lives, and when you notice this kind of conflict between belief and display it can serve as a useful reminder to check and confirm that the beliefs you are demonstrating are those you intend to demonstrate.  For instance, it is very easy to slip into unloving behavior by just failing to pay attention when rushing somewhere to avoid being late.

In the illusion, life is confusing, because you want to behave lovingly and yet frequently you find yourselves in situations in which it appears that to do so will cost you respect and honor because you will seem weak when you are expected to be forceful.  But that is not the case: it is easy to be forceful because being forceful is endemic.  But it does not lead to agreement or resolution as it causes defensiveness, and often issues that need to be addressed are avoided or passed over.  Whereas to behave lovingly is strong; it requires and demonstrates courage, and provides a space in which meaningful discussion can take place.

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