Scientists Observe Brain Cells While Healing Intention Is Directed Towards Them – Here’s What Happened

“The results of this study indicated that individual healing intention effects are weak, but cumulative. Meaning that repeated applications of healing intention in a given location might actually have measurable consequences, but a “single shot” may not be detectable.” – A Walia

TestTubesBrainResearchIn 2004,  a 3-day experiment was conducted by a team of scientists (led by Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at The Institute of Noetic Sciences) to explore the suggestion that directing human healing intention (one variable of human consciousness) towards living and non living systems could actually have scientifically measurable results. The results were published in the peer reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (all of the studies mentioned in this article are peer reviewed). (1)

To do this, they recruited four experienced Johrei practitioners to take part in the study. Johrei practitioners believe that healing intention can cause positive changes in a person’s body. It’s a practice that originated in Japan and is similar to other healing intention therapies such as Reiki and qigong, to name a few.

“Johrei maintains that there is a universal energy or spiritual force that can be cultivated and directed by intention. When focused on the human body, Johrei is said to raise its spiritual vibrations, or to achieve spiritual purification; this in turn is said to improve health and to allow one’s divine nature to unfold. Johrei practice assumes that for optimal healing to manifest, repeated treatments are required to help overcome the body’s inertia to remain in its existing state. It is further assumed that intentional effects are not limited exclusively to the body, but may affect and alter the physical surroundings.”  (1) Continue reading