Paris: Horrible Attack – Who Did It And Why?

ParisBix Weir – The world was shocked once again by a horrible attack on innocent people in innocent places last night in Paris. My prayers go out to the innocent people that have been devastated by this atrocity and I totally agree that those responsible should be hunted down and served justice…

But who are “those responsible”?

Immediately, the mainstream media is blaming ISIS and the drums of war began beating. It was surreal – almost word for word the media read their lines preaching the need to stand by the French in the fight against terror, the nation that founded Liberty must be defended and we must take the fight to ISIS in Syria.

They read an almost identical script after 911…to attack Iraq.

As the world is being lead to react emotionally to this event I would beg people to look at the who, why, where and WHEN this attack took place. All these questions take time to decipher and sooner or later the truth comes out…and it’s usually not the same truth as the media portrays in the first days or weeks after such an event.

Ex Secretary of the Treasury (and one of the Good Guys) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts posted a very intelligent article this morning here:

The Matrix Extends It’s Reach

Can Western peoples be intelligent to fall for a story set in stone prior to any evidence? In the West, facts are created by self-serving statements from governments. Investigation is not part of the process. When 90 percent of the US media is owned by six mega-corporations, it cannot be any different. Continue reading