Healing A Society In Denial

“When you’re in it, you can’t see it – and that is the true definition of “insanity”. Yet, here we are doing the same things over and over again, calling it “reality” and expecting a different outcome.  I don’t know about you but this isn’t the “reality” I choose for myself or my precious, intelligent, beautiful children.” J Deisher

NewAgeWorldBeliefs can become patterns if you hold them long enough. People don’t like to have their belief systems challenged as sometimes they are the very foundation used to “survive”, emotionally speaking. Today, something is obviously not working, yet we still struggle with the idea of confronting and releasing our old conditioning and beliefs, healing, and making real change.

At this point in humanity’s history it seems that there are many who are desperately hanging on to an antiquated social belief system, many aspects of which they don’t even realize exist or affect them. Our social programming goes very, very deep; it is attached to our sense of Value, and Self. And it is in the shedding of this outdated programming that we find the ability to expand on the Heart and our relationship with Self, and know what is best for each of us individually, and authentically.

I see people everywhere who are beginning to awaken to the world around them and, as much as I try to avoid labels, many experiencing a kind of ‘Stockholm Syndrome’; the psychological state of identifying with one’s “oppressor”, in whatever form that oppressor takes. It could be in the form of a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, or addiction. It could be the controlling societal conditioning we have been subjected to or the lip service we’ve accepted from our “governments” who falsely tell us they have our best interests at Heart. It may be any any imposing influence that leave us feeling “less than” in some way.

It takes a great deal of resilience to be Awake in this world; we see an apparent lack of integrity almost everywhere we look, and it can be difficult to maintain a sense of clarity in among all the confusion, the dichotomy, as we try to talk and walk two different paths. We hear our “leaders” speak of integrity and priorities on a daily basis, yet we watch as people struggle in poverty and hunger, and wars are started in our names. And rather than admit this abuse, a failing of the status quo, many still protect and defend it, and mock those who threaten it.

Where is the integrity in their words? And where is the integrity in our actions? 

The Demon of Denial

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Attention Span, Sleight of Hand and the Electro-Chemical Plan

Zen Gardner April 2 2013

Ever wonder how they can pull off these massive staged media driven stunts and so few seem to notice what’s really going on? Look at Sandy Hook. More inconsistencies than you can shake a stick at yet nothing, nothing contrary to the official narrative is allowed to be introduced into the news stream.

Unless of course it’s derogatory of anyone challenging the party line.

They’ll usually give a token acknowledgement of the “other side” and then move on so people figure that was covered and accounted for.

It’s almost alchemical how they’re able to utilize staged high impact news events, shove across their pre-planned “solutions” that need immediate, unthinking unsubstantiated action, and then dissolve the emotionally driven issue with new distractions before there’s time to even find out what really happened.

Hit, Hype and Run

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