Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid

The Energetic Connection February 5 2013

HealthOkay, so this isn’t directly about stress…though indirectly it is about stress. It’s actually more important than a direct communication about the more obvious forms of stress.

It is about the more insidious types of stress…the kind of stress that is a constant, every-day pressure to which we must accustom ourselves or die, or self-medicate, or worse, choose traditional pharmaceuticals to alleviate. Notice how I said traditional in relation to prescription drugs?

That’s really sad, and yet it is even sadder to know the numbers of people who are taking some sort of pharmaceutical drug, regularly. The figures reach almost 50% in the US. It’s sadder to know that now, it is traditional to take legal drugs that are more powerful than most illegal substances to live through any given week.

This is about the kind of stress we are evolving through. All of us. No one is exempt from this kind of stress, it’s simply a matter of choice as to the road we choose, how much awareness or consciousness we can muster along that road, and how we allow ourselves to finish. I don’t know what that really means, “finish,” but it could mean today, this life, or even how we will approach the remainder of eternity.

Forgive me for expanding (and maybe even projecting) my circumstances into your realm, but I believe at some level we are all experiencing challenges in sustaining higher vibrations right now. No matter who we are or what our private lives look like, we are in both similar and very different ways, relatively struggling to stay afloat. Ask anyone.
This is the stress we experience with each breath, each step taken. It is the stress of operating within the every day influences of established worldly constructs, all the while learning (for some anyway) to accept and release what is past and repressed, lying deep, at bone level. It’s not easy to swim in this poison and clean the pool simultaneously.

Origins of Stress

The Energetic Connection | February 1 2013

michelle_stressStress comes in many forms.

Physiological, Psycho-spiritual, Emotional, Etheric or Spiritual, Inner and Outer Influences

Stress relief also comes in many forms.

Relaxation, Reframing, Rewiring, Emotional Release, Balancing, Management, Abatement

All stresses are interrelated and cyclical, one level creating the next and circling back to its origins.

It’s certainly possible for a singular and potentially exclusive, sort of self-contained, form of stress to exist–like digestive stress that is nutritionally related; or a threatening situation that is completely resolved when it ends. Even so, there is usually a deeper reason for, or a result of its presence.

How can we get to the roots of our stress?

Depending on learning and growth styles coupled with the many ways you access, embrace and integrate information, you can begin to relieve stress from various points of entry: through the mind, the body, the emotions, and spiritual energy.

Changing eating and nutritional habits, taking supplements, yoga and other conscious movement, therapy, self-reflection, and any of their subsets or similar modalities, are all potential gateways to stress relief. Like any incident that imprints stress, these gateways will help you to unravel the threads of stress on multiple levels.

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