Are You Responsible for Other People’s Suffering?

painRichard West – I’ve been touching on the subject of responsibility with many of my clients recently. Many people see the pain of those around them and feel a certain sense of responsibility for it, particularly when what they’ve said or the actions they have taken have led to pain in another.

It’s one theme I’ll be touching on in my book ‘Awakening Into Change.’ And because it’s such a sensitive subject I thought I would go deeper here into exactly why I say you are NOT responsible for other people’s suffering. Continue reading

Suffering Is Optional


Jafree Ozwald – What if all the worry, fear, guilt and emotional pain you’ve experienced in your life was not something you had to go through.  What if it was optional?   Often people live their entire lives and never open up to the possibility that the experience of perpetual daily pain and agony is not required.

There are many things that we assume are true in life, only later we realize they weren’t that way at all.  One of the most unconscious beliefs people have is that we don’t have the power to simply stop the path we are on, and choose a different experience.

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Give Yourself Gifts and Blessings

sufferingJennifer Hoffman – The spirit minded are also the open hearted, those who are aware of the pain, disconnection, and suffering of others. And it is your natural tendency to want to relieve their suffering by blessing them in some way. So you give them light, love, support, truth, grace, energy, and time to help them. You bless them with your beliefs, faith, and heart because you know their suffering and you want to prevent them from experiencing it. But you cannot change another’s path, even with your generous blessings and gifts, they must make their own choices and you often share gifts and blessings with others that you do not give to yourself. Can you give yourself some gifts and blessings to brighten your own life and release your suffering to create joy?

Do you know that the pain and suffering you see in others are mirrors of your own heartbreak, your suffering, your feelings of being alone and disconnected, and where think your own light has been dimmed? Your desire to end this for them may be a reflection of your belief that you cannot change your path but you can change theirs. The joy you can create in  others becomes a source of comfort for you. Even when you continue to suffer, there is joy in the knowledge that you have blessed someone’s life. But without focusing on your own needs and blessing yourself with the gifts you give to others, you cannot end your suffering and pain and know the joy your own heart seeks. Continue reading

Participating With The Natural Laws Through Service

Pavithra – What does that mean to you? For me it means a few things, so I am attempting to write it as I was asked a few times…. what’s my take on this?

Suffering as a way

First of all, service to the world does not mean giving everything you have and suffering throughout your life by following some teachings blindly for the sake of reaching spiritual enlightenment. This way of doing is not called service, but blindly following or I could call it martyrdom. You are forcing yourself to suffer thinking that this way of life might get you some freebies in higher realms, but in reality you are putting yourself down and doing something that is not supporting your spirit. Martyrdom does not get you anywhere higher, it does however drag you down. Continue reading

The Golden Secret To Shifting Out Of Suffering

“. . . whatever you focus on is what manifests into your life, and when you simply hold your divine attention on the infinite source of your being, you will naturally experience a state of joy, freedom and ecstasy that is beyond anything you could buy with a zillion dollars.” – J Ozwald

Nightsky+WomanLookingOutWindowJafree Ozwald ~ As the grand master law states, whatever you focus your attention on is what grows and manifests into your life. This means no matter what you hold your focus on, it becomes magically magnetized into the field of energy around you, and will soon manifest into physical form. This is why it is soooo crucial to learn how to meditate and stop your mind in its tracks. When you can keep your attention fixed on what you want, you can instantly stop investing your time in thinking about what you don’t want, and remain focused on what you do want.

The most profound life shift that you can imagine starts the moment you have the awareness to remain focused on the positive thoughts you most want to have 24 hours a day. By being intimately aware of every thought you’re thinking and each feeling that you are feeling, you can keep your mind from wandering down those undesirable territories of fear, lack and laziness. Keeping your mind focused only on what you want in life can be very tricky, unless you have deeply trained your mind to remain centered in pure awareness itself. The thoughts you’re thinking simply pass through the mind, yet you sit back as the witnesser, resting within as the untainted watcher. Continue reading